Quick / Express Tenders

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The RFx Quick / Express Project is a simplified version of a full RFx project. It depends on your system settings if you have access to this feature.

The purpose of this kind of project template is to allow buyers to create projects fast and easily. Please note that this type of project has certain limitations.

Below are listed some of the features of a Quick or Express RFx Project:

  • No more tabs, all info is entered in one page the “save” action at the bottom of the page creates and publishes the project
  • The Leader enters a name (*) and descriptions
  • The only “BU” of the project is the default BU of the Leader
  • The only “Currency” is the personal currency of the Leader
  • The Leader chooses “Material Groups” (*)
  • No “Project team”, no “Cost center”, no “Program series”, no “NDA” nor “GC” nor “CC”, no “Launch Date”, no “Priority”
  • No special email settings
  • For Supplier circle, the system proposes a list of suppliers assigned to the selected MG. The Leader chose from this list (*)
  • For Tender elements, the system proposes the list of saved commodity templates linked to the selected MG. One grid and/or one questionnaire can be chosen, documents can be uploaded (all visible to suppliers)
  • No Phases exists on buyer view
  • When the tender element is chosen, a start date and end date must be entered.
  • No Project Status: a tender element is accessible by suppliers as soon as the project is saved (= published) and as long as the current date is between start-date and end-date of this tender element
  • When the project is visible to suppliers, they can download the document(s)
  • When “Save” is clicked for the details page the system:

- checks the mandatory fields

- checks that at least one Tender Element or one document is uploaded

- sends invitation emails to supplier contacts

  • This icon opens a popup to select elements
  • This icon is similar to “View answers” or “View uploaded documents”.