User Management

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User Management (Buyer and Supplier Databases)[edit]

This chapter will focus on the submenus “Buyers” and “Suppliers” with the help of which you will be able to:

  • Search a certain user;
  • Register new supplier companies and add new contacts for these accounts;
  • Manage data for existing users, for example editing email addresses, addresses, phone numbers or other details);
  • Provide or restrict access for certain users their access, for example unlocking a user, sending a new password.

How to search for a user?[edit]

To search certain users, access the “Buyers” or the “Suppliers’ database” by clicking the corresponding section in the left menu.

There are several options for searching a user in the database, as it follows:

Simple Search[edit]

On the top of each page you will see the Simple Search function. If you enter a word in the box and click the search icon, the system will search for users using as a criterion the text you have inserted in the box.

Advanced Search[edit]

The Advanced Search allows you to search users taking into consideration more criteria. Open it by clicking on the expand icon which can be found next to the simple search field.

Search users based on criteria like: company name, company type, country, city, phone, email address, DUNS, registration status and so on.

Filter search[edit]

The third search possibility is the “Filter” option via the Filter icon. Here you can set a filter for your search.

  • Define your filter’s settings (by material, business unit, company name, etc.)
  • Save your filter by clicking the Save
  • Click Apply to apply your settings and to go back to the search’s overview

Please note that the content of the filter of the Buyer Database and Supplier Database differs.

To view the entire user list, ensure the filter options are turned off!

How to create users, supplier companies and contacts online[edit]

Buyers creation[edit]

In order to add a new buyer to the database, click the New icon. Please make sure you have all the information necessary to create the user. The login name can not be modified once it has been saved.

  • First add the necessary information in the “Personal information” section. Fill all the mandatory fields in the form; these are marked with a red asterisk .
  • If your system is working with an automatic login rule like: last name, first name this field will be hidden and filled in automatically. But it could also be that you have to respect a defined corporate rule manually.
  • Check all the information you have filled in and click Save.

The information message in the left top corner is a reminder there is still data missing to complete the registration process and that inserting a Business Unit will complete the address fields of the contact.

The following tabs in the registration data of a buyer account “Personal settings” and “Calendar settings” contain no mandatory fields. These settings are always accessible and editable by the user.

  • Assign a Business Unit: Business unit assignment is mandatory for the Buyers.

Click the Assign business unit icon.

Select at least one business unit by checking the corresponding box in front of it and click Apply to save your option.

  • Assign User roles: The new user will have several user roles automatically assigned. These roles provide access to the different modules of the system and different rights.
  • Click the Assign user role icon to add or delete roles.
  • Delete roles via the delete icon or via the choice in the multiple selection list. Do not forget to validate your choice.

The new user can also be assigned to several commodities/services via the tab “Material Groups” and “Cost Center(s)”. If the user is not automatically enabled (this is dependent on back-office settings) you must manually enable the user. To do so, click Enable in the Personal information tab.

How to create a new supplier company[edit]

To create a new supplier company, click the New company icon:

  • Fill all the mandatory information in the mandatory sections marked with red asterisks.
  • Click Save to save your settings and for the supplier company to be added in the database.

How to create a new sub-company[edit]

To create a new sub-company click the corresponding icon in the overview list or directly on the company line where you want to add a sub-company.

How to add a contact to a company/sub-company[edit]

In order to add a new contact person to a supplier company or to a sub-company, access the company’s account by clicking the folder. Click then on the tab Company contacts.

  • To make sure the contact doesn't exist already in the database do a quick search.
  • Enter the personal information of the new user.
  • First add the necessary information in the “Personal information” section. Fill all the mandatory fields in the form, these are marked with a red asterisk. The email address is unique and cannot be registered twice.
  • Edit the personal settings. It is important to check the personal settings for a new user.
  • Select the language for the new user.

“Business Units” is not mandatory for a supplier contact. To complete the registration process, you can go directly to the “User role” tab.

  • Assign User roles - The new contact will have automatically been assigned several user roles. These roles provide access to the different modules of the system and different rights. You can manage these roles by clicking the “User role” tab.

If the user is not automatically enabled after the material groups have been assigned (this is dependent on BackOffice settings), it is necessary to manually enable the user. To do so, click the Enable icon on the Personal information tab.

How to create users offline (mass creation)?[edit]

Beside the single creation of a user account you have the possibility to create more than one user at once. To do so, administrators have 2 possibilities:

  • Import users from simple Excel template
  • Import users from XML Excel template

Both templates were given by your SynerTrade consultants. Do not hesitate to contact them if needed.

Import from Excel template[edit]

If you want to upload a mass creation of buyers, you have to fill the Excel mass creation import file (this is available online by downloading it if you click on the icon Export simple import template or by your SynerTrade contact).

Once the downloaded file has been filled, you then access the Buyer Database in ST6 and click on the import icon displayed in the overview page:

  • When editing the excel file make sure that the mandatory columns have been filled (they will be highlighted with bright red and an asterisk).
  • Click “Import” to upload your Excel file.
  • Predefine “Personal settings” for your new users and/or assign “Material Groups”.
  • Finally, please click “Import” tab to select your Excel file and the lines you want to import.
  • First select your Excel file on your computer.
  • Make sure the “Ignore Header” function is active.
  • If you do not want to import the whole file, please select the lines / columns manually.
  • Click “Import”

To avoid errors, please ensure the Excel file is closed.

If your file did not contain any errors, you can proceed to the final step of the mass creation.

  • Additional information columns can be selected before import via drop-down menu
  • Check each column if the automatic mapping proposal is correct (if not, correct manually by choosing in the drop-down list) and then click again on “Import”.

In case the file contains errors, please check the error message and edit your Excel file.

Use the XML Excel Template[edit]

XML import process allows more possibilities than excel import process can, allows loading any field of the user sheet, including assignments of Business Units and Material Groups and updates already existing suppliers.

  • Fill in the XML Excel template you were given by SynerTrade.
  • Make sure all the mandatory fields are completed
  • Send the file back to our Customer Care team

SynerTrade team will proceed to the import within 2 working days.

Import suppliers from Yahoo! Finance[edit]

This option allows the administrator to import lists of suppliers using Yahoo! Finance database. The Yahoo import function allows the import of supplier companies directly from the “Yahoo! Finance” database.

  • Aditional filtering options are available such as Sectors and the subfilter Industries. A specific company can also be search via Search box

Once the concerned companies have been found they can be imported by checking the box next to the company name and then clicking the Apply icon. The imported companies will not have any supplier contacts added. They will have to be later added / imported manually. The registration status of the company is also set by default as Registered.

  • After clicking the Apply Icon the new supplier companies will appear in the supplier database.

Send an SSR request[edit]

Otherwise you can use the function “send a supplier self registration request”. This function will allow you to send a customized request to a certain email address containing an invitation email for self registration.

The supplier company will be created automatically, and will have the registration status “Not submitted”.

  • The supplier company will be automatically created after clicking the Save icon.
  • After clicking the Send SSR request Icon a pop-up window will appear with several mandatory fields (Company, First name, Last name and E-mail).
  • After these fields are filled, an invitation email will be sent to the e-mail address filled in fied “E-mail”

ERP Import Log[edit]

In Backoffice below the menu monitoring, the submenu “ERP Import log” displays the history of the different imports linked to an ERP interface and to the XML imports.

  • Detailed information about the import can be accessed by clicking the open icon.

How to inform users about their account creation?[edit]

If the user is not automatically enabled (this is dependent on back office settings) it is necessary to manually enable the user.

To do so, click the <Enable> icon under the tabs; then inform the user via email.

Inform user via Back Office[edit]

You can send an automatically generated temporary password by clicking the Email password icon. The user receives two emails, one with their login code and one with their password.

Alternatively a new temporary password can be manually set by clicking the send password icon. The password will have to be communicated to the supplier via a manually written e-mail.

Inform user via a project (RFX, Auction, SRM)[edit]

Additional the login details of a supplier company or contact who never have logged in to the platform can be given once they are invited to their first project, as long as the correct email template has been selected for the project.

Once invited, a platform-generated invitation e-mail containing their login details will be sent to the registered email address. Please note that this will only happen once.

How to check last connection date?[edit]

The submenu “User access log” will display what date and time the users (buyer and suppliers) have logged in to the platform.

This list can be exported to Excel.

  • The User access log list can be customized, translated and exported.

User Management: Daily Tasks[edit]

Main actions on Buyer Database[edit]

In Backoffice below the Master data the Buyer database can be found.

To modify/delete several accounts at once:

  • Select them by ticking the empty box
  • Activate drop-down menu to choose an action.
  • In order to activate the modification click on the <Execute selected action> icon.


  • only users never logged in and not assigned to a Business Unit(s) or invited to a project can be deleted.
  • even if the user is deleted from the list, the login still exists in the database. Therefore, the same login cannot be attributed again.

You can extract the list of all registered buyers in your system into an Excel file via the <Export> icon.

Main actions on Supplier Database[edit]

You can select or deselect the display of all contacts and all subsidiaries.

Also additional information can be displayed by ticking the boxes next to: Show all Business Unites, Shot all Material Groups and Shot all Geographical Zones.

Additionally you can adjust the display of the Supplier Database list via the “Customize” icon (see chapter 1.2) and below.

  • You can extract the list of all registered suppliers in your system via the <Export> icon into an Excel file.
  • You can use the multiple action functionality to set registration status, delete, and cut, or simply email a new password to a certain user.

How to enable/disable a user[edit]

Each user has several attempts to log in; if the attempts are exceeded, the account is locked. If a user is locked or disabled under the “Active” column the box is not checked.

  • To disable a user on the platform (i.e. they left the company) you can do so by clicking on this icon and disabling them.

How to send new password to a user[edit]

To initialize a new password to a user there are three options:

  • Self-Initialize

The login page of the ST6 platform shows a link “Forgot your password?” By clicking on this link and entering their log-in name and email address the user is able to reset their password and have a new temporary password sent to their e-mail address.

  • Set manually a new password

Access the user’s profile (Personal information) via the back-office and click the set password to set a new temporary password and communicate it via e-mail or phone to the user.

  • Send an automatic created temporary password via the Backoffice

Access the user profile (Personal information) of a user via the back-office and click the Email password icon to automatically generate and send a temporary password (log-in details will be automatically sent in a separate email).