SRM-SD Measure Manager & Activity Manager

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The measures are used to list the activities or corrective actions required from a supplier in order to improve their evaluation score. The measures are used to highlight what the supplier has to improve and monitor the supplier’s progression.

How to access Measures[edit]

In the SRM menu / SRM Overview, click on Supplier Development,or in the SRM menu, click on Measures:

Measures overview and management[edit]

Entering the Supplier Development or Measures, you will get to the Measures overview page where all measures initiated by you or in which you are involved Activity Responsible or Activity Manager. You may add new, close existing, publish or edit existing measures.

Measures may have the following status (see bubbles in column Status):

  • Grey --> In setup
  • Yellow --> In progress
  • Green --> Closed

Activity overview and management[edit]

The Activity overview shows a list of all activities that you are involved in as activity manager, activity responsible or measure manager.

Activities are always linked to a measure (see column Measure). One measure can have more activities. Thus, new activities are created within a measure.

You may publish, delete or open activities as well as setting them in progress or as completed.

Activities may have the following status (see bubbles in column Status):

  • Grey --> In setup
  • Yellow --> In progress
  • Red --> Requested
  • Blue --> Published
  • Green --> Completed

Creating a new measure[edit]

A measure is based on a list of corrective actions (activities) required for the supplier to improve his evaluation result.

A new measure contains the following steps:

1. Measure details: Create a title for the event and relate it to an evaluation event.

2. Activities: Set the corrective actions required from the supplier to improve.

3. Documents: Upload / download any documents.

4. Set reminders and emails: automatically done by the system.

-> Click on New on the Measure overview page to create a new measure.

-> Complete the measure details. Fields showing the red asterisk are mandatory.

Name: the measure title should be a general name that covers all corrective actions; e.g. supplier re-evaluation or supplier improvement plan.

Measure manager: represents the person in charge of the specific measure Start & end date: start and end date of the overall measure (including all the activities).

Event name: By clicking on the folder beside event name you can select any of all evaluation events that are closed. By selecting an evaluation event you can set the measures against the evaluation event and you can create your corrective actions for the concerned suppliers. By selecting the evaluation event the following fields are automatically filled in case they have been filled in the evaluation event:

• Business unit

• Material Group

• Supplier

If you define a measure without an evaluation event, please select business unit, material group and supplier manually.

-> Do not forget to give a clear description of what the measure should do and then click on Save.

Creating activities for the measure[edit]

After having filled the general measure details, you will have to go to next wizard step Activities to set up the different corrective actions. In order to create a new activity click on New or click on Insert from activity library in order to select a pre-defined activity from the library:

Complete the activity details (see screen below):

Name: name of corrective action or activity (field is used in filter of analysis)

Aim and Result: Detail very clearly what are the objectives and what should be the outcome (these fields can be used later on in the analysis to search for specific activities)

KPI: KPI to which the corrective action or activity is related (e.g. quality: improvement on defective parts).

Please note if an evaluation event has been selected the KPI selected will bring over the evaluation score of the supplier of that KPI; you can then propose a target evaluation score to measure the improvement against.

Activity Manager / Responsible: Assign an internal team member(s) as the activity manager and the responsible (on some occasions this may be the same contact i.e. you).


Go to the wizard-step Documents in case you want upload or download important documents concerning the activity.

-> This is useful for sharing documents with other activity responsible and suppliers.

-> Click on New to add a new document or more documents using the multiple up loader. Click on Browse to select the desired document and then click on Next step to upload your document and then on Finish.

Provide access to buyers or supplier, or both using the options which can be found in the actions column.

These options can be found as well in the pull down menu.

To provide access to suppliers for example, check the document, then select Supplier access from the drop down list on the bottom of the page and click on the corresponding icon:

-> Click on Buyer Access if you want the document to be seen by the activity members (buyers).

-> Click on Allow supplier access if you want the document to be seen by the activity members and the suppliers.

In case you want to set the permissions for several documents at once, you can make use of the multiple selection function (check box to select the documents and choose action in drop-down menu below the table).

Automatic email notifications[edit]

This tab shows the list of default reminders (emails) included in the measure event and send out in the course of a measure event. Usually all necessary standard reminders are per default available with new each measure event and automatically send out.

-> However you can make modifications at any time, such as:

- Change the recipients

- Delete this reminder from the event

- Deactivate this reminder temporarily if sending is not wanted at that time

- Send the email immediately to all concerned recipients

Click on Email history to see all mails that have been sent out already.

You can create a manual email as well by clicking on New email.

Publish the measure / Set the measure in progress[edit]

When the activities and / or corrective actions have been set, click on Publish the measure in the wizard step Activities or go back to the Measure overview, click on Publish and then Apply in the pop-up to set the measure In Progress.

Publish from the Measure overview.

Set the activities in progress[edit]

Once the measure is published / has been set in progress, the activities need as well to be set in progress in order for the responsible persons - both internal team members and suppliers - to work on.

To set the activities in progress, go inside of the measure to the Activities wizard step and click on Set in progress or go the Activity overview page and set the activity in progress from here. Set in progress inside of the measure on the wizard step Activities

Following up the activities[edit]

In order to document the progress of one activity, comments can be added within each activity and exchanged between the activity participants.

Comments are used to list the breakdown of actions required to complete the activity or corrective action. They are also used to monitor and track any comments between the internal team and suppliers.

To create a comment, go to the Activity Overview page and click on the yellow folder to open the activity or open the measure, go to the wizard step Activities and click on Add to insert a new comment.

Entering a comment from Activity Overview page.

Click on New in order to insert a new comment.

Complete the details and assign the comment to either a buyer or a supplier for approval and next steps.

-> Do not forget to save your comment. Click on Save.

For one activity there can be as many comments as needed to complete the activity. The internal team members as well as the supplier can create comments.

Mark an activity as completed[edit]

First step: Activity Responsible publishes the activity[edit]

Once the comments have been created and exchanged, the activity can be set as finished.

-> The activity responsible first has to publish the activity by clicking on Publish from wizard step Activities inside of the measure or from the Activity Overview page.

Once the activity has been published by the activity responsible, the status of the activity turns to Published (blue bubble) and the activity responsible is highlighted in green to indicate that he has finished his work on this activity.

Second step: Activity Manager sets the activity as completed[edit]

After the activity responsible has published the activity, the activity manager has to approve the activity by clicking on Set activity completed.

Set activity as completed from wizard step Activities inside of the measure.

Set the activity as completed from the Activity Overview page.

Once the activity has been set as completed by the activity manager, the status of the activity turns to Completed (green bubble) and the activity manager is as well highlighted in green to indicate that he has finished his work on this activity.

When the activity has been set as completed the % rate can be seen on the Measure overview page based on how many activities have been set as completed.

Closing a measure[edit]

Once all activities within a measure have been completed and approved and the completion grade of the measure shows 100% on the Measure Overview page, the measure manager can close the measure.

-> Go to the Measure Overview page and click the on Close icon.

Once the measure has been closed by the activity manager, the status of the measure turns to Closed (green bubble).