Stategic Business Units Management

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In the “Business Unit” submenu you will be able to manage the organizational structure of the platform. All Business Units should be assigned to: projects, events, orders, contracts, auctions.

How to create a new Business Unit[edit]

Create a business unit: Click New

Create a sub-business unit: Check the box on the same line of the parent business unit and click New

Fill the mandatory fields and the “Support” settings and click “Save”:

  • Name: Enter Business Unit name
  • Select responsible: Choose a responsible in your Buyer database
  • System email address:
  • Support Contact Name: Enter name of support.
  • Support email address: Enter email address of support.
  • Support Phone Number: Enter phone number of support.
  • Feedback email address: Enter the email address your SynerTrade Contact communicated to you.
  • Logo upload: A specific logo can be uploaded to this business unit.
  • URL: Choose the URL in the drop-down list that should be linked to this Business Unit.
  • External ID: Enter an ID for this Business Unit.
  • Address1:
  • Address2:
  • Zip Code:
  • City:
  • Country:
  • State:
  • State Code:
  • Joint Venture: Check this box if the Business Unit is part of a Joint Venture.
  • Site: Enter a Site for this Business Unit.
  • Company Code: Only used, if you have a SAP interface.
  • SAP Unit: Only used, if you have a SAP interface.

Note: Support settings and the URL are displayed in all emails and in the Help Menu.

If a link is developed between your ERP and ST6, transactions can be viewed in the tab: “Transaction volumes”. Once your data has been saved, click to enable your new Business Unit.

Click “enable” to activate your new Business Unit.

Only Business Units with status “disabled” can be deleted. Once a Business Unit has been activated it can only be set to expired (not visible in frontend).

How to edit an existing Business Unit[edit]

To edit an existing Business Unit click the folder icon. After you have made your changes, click Save in order to save your settings.

How to enable/disable a Business Unit[edit]

Click the icon Enable to enable a business unit or to disable it.

To disable a business unit, set it as expired, the Business Unit will no longer be visible for the end user.

Note: A Business Unit set to expire will no longer be visible to users in the frontend (except for old projects).

How to assign buyers/suppliers to a Business Unit[edit]

Open the business unit and enter the “Buyers”/“Suppliers” tabs, assign as many buyers and suppliers simultaneously to the selected business unit as you wish: Click the Select buyers icon to assign buyers to the current business unit.

How to move a Business Unit[edit]

To change the order of a Business Unit click the move icon. The next window shows you all possible new levels for the Business Unit you want to move. Select the new level and click Apply.