Working with the products

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Working in the Article Data Base[edit]

Article details[edit]

In order to access an article’s details, go to the “Article list” section in the Article Management module which can be found in the left hand side menu.

The user will be able to see a list containing Articles, and several details for each of them, like: the status of each of the Articles, Number of the Article, and the Catalog to which each of the Articles belong to, and so on. Click the folder icon to open the desired article. In the “Actions” column of each Article the user will find the following options as well:

  • Click Copy to copy an article;
  • Click Delete to delete an article;
  • Click the icon to change the catalog assignment;
  • Click the corresponding icon to postpone an article;
  • Click Export to Export/ Download Excel Template for Import.

This section allows other actions as well, as creating a new Article, set a filter according to certain criteria set by the user, export Articles, compare Articles, and export Article prices.

Each Article has attached/assigned a series of Objects, Properties and flexible Attributes; for example: Documents, Images, Prices, Milestones, and Sample Checks.

Properties and flexible Attributes can be found in the tab Article Details (SKU) and Target Market.

The main Properties of an Article can be found in the Article Details Tab. Beside those, up to four images can be displayed (one of them is displayed large). All the information displayed in this page is linked directly to the Article and represents the main information about it.

Create a new article[edit]

  • Click New in your Article list in order to create / add a new article.
  • Select the catalog to which you wish to add the new article, and click Next.
  • As a next step, select the article template from the list, and click Apply to finalize the creation, or click Previous if you wish to go to the prior step of choosing a different catalog.

The proposed catalogs are the catalogs on which the user has edit rights via the assignment of the BUs. The article template means a set of Milestones attached to the article to follow up the life cycle of this article.


Up to four images can be uploaded for each Article with the help of the Article Images Tab.

  • To add a new image click New.
  • To select the image to upload click Browse and then Apply.
  • The new image will be added to the list
  • The Actions column in the Images section allows moving up or down the images available in the list.
  • In the Article Details section if the user selected an image this will be displayed large and all other available images will appear displayed in smaller size underneath the selected one. Mouse over the small images will trigger the display of the image as large.
  • The user can even see the image attached to the article in a special pop-up, by clicking the image.

Target market[edit]

If the "Display Target market" Setting is set and also if the view rights are appropriate, in the page will be displayed an additional part: My Target market.

In the Target market section the assortment information of the target market is shown which is assigned as default Business Unit to a specific user. The display is identical with the corresponding Target Market Business Unit from the Target Market Tab. For each Article, if needed, for each Business Unit of the Client different information can be stored (Prices, Local names, Quantities, etc.). That defines the Target Market.

A Target Market can be created for an Article only for those BU's that are assigned both to the user and the Catalog.

  • Click New Target Market.
  • Select a Business Unit and click Apply.
  • Select a start date for each of the Business Units assigned to your new target market, and the participant Business Unit(s). Make your settings for the Adjustments and click Save in order to save your new Target Market’s settings.
  • Click Back to overview in order to go back to the Articles list.


In the Prices tab, the user has the possibility to set quantities of a certain Article, and the price for each amount, same as Supplier’s location, Incoterms or taxes:

  • Click New to create a new price.
  • The new created Price will be displayed in the user’s Prices list. For each modifications made for the Prices, click in order for your changes to be stored.

Article History[edit]

The Article History Tab allows the user to see each modification that has been done on a particular Article. The user has the option to download the history list in several formats. Click to download the modifications list, select the format and form in the list displayed in the pop-up window and then click Download.

Other Documents[edit]

The Tab named Other Documents allows the user to upload documents related to the Article which will be available for buyers and suppliers:

  • Click New to add a new document and after selecting the file(s) to upload click Next step.
  • The document(s) will be displayed in the list found in the Other Documents tab as well as the status for each of them, type, name, number, type of access for buyers and/or suppliers.

Sample Check[edit]

In the Sample Check Tab you can create new item lines describing the quality/quantity or other aspects of samples received from the suppliers.

  • Click New in order to make a new note.
  • Select your supplier, check the boxes for the columns Sample Received and OK for Negotiation depending on the situation, and make a comment if there is one.
  • Click Save for your new note to be saved.

Confidential Documents[edit]

The section Confidential Documents allows the user to add one or more documents containing different information.

  • To add a new document click New and follow the same procedure as for the documents uploaded in the Other Documents Tab: