First Clicks in SynerTrade

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First Clicks in SynerTrade Accelearte [edit]

This article has for goal to provide basic information about SynerTrade Accelerate.

Internet Browswer Requirements [edit]

The supported browsers per SynerTrade version can be found in the article: Browser Compatibility

SynerSpace [edit]

After having logged in the landing page is SynerSpace. It is used as a central information dashboard of the platform, and displays most of the links a user needs, such as the ongoing projects. Further information about SynerSpace can be found in the following article.

Platform Layout [edit]

SynerTrade Accelerate contains the following main elements:

- The menu button on the down left corner of the screen, allowing to navigate through the differents apps of the platform, with the help of the menu

- The contextual menu, on the top left corner of the screen, allowing to navigate through the app in which the user is currently located

- The user’s name, on the top right corner of the screen, allowing to navigate to the user’s personal settings

- The quick accesses, on the top right corner of the screen, allowing to rapidly access personal sections such as “Language”, “E-Mails” or “Calendar”

- The help section “?”, on the topc right corner, presented hereafter

Personal Settings [edit]

On the top right corner of the screen, each user can see his/her name. By clicking on it the user accesses his/her personal profile. It is important to make sure that your contact details are correctly entered in the platform, along with your personal settings, such as time zone or the standard currency.

Help Section [edit]

As well on the top right corner of the screen is located a question mark symbol “?”. By clicking on it the user accesses the two following sections:

- “Help”, allowing you to access the SynerWiki

- “Support”, giving you the contact details of the services in charge of supporting you