Ordering General Settings in Backoffice
This article contains the explanations of all the settings that exist inside "General settings" page of "Ordering Settings" in Procurement & Ordering app. The explanations are categorised into three sections, based on what user sees inside the page.
Ordering Settings[edit]
- Send eMail to delivery
Sends a delivery notification to the buyer (delivery booking email, goods receipt notification).
- Allow Excess Delivery
Allows the delivery of product, beyond what was originally requested.
- Show manual approver selection
Makes the selection of manual approver mandatory in basket (for old P&O basket).
- Show Accounting combinations
Adds a button to create combinations of accounting types in old P&O.
- Export Delivery note path
Define the path to export the delivery note as an XML file.
- Max. age of OCI products in Shopping cart
Number of days after which products from OCI are deleted from SC (old app).
- Purchaser can book goods receipt
If the settings is checked all ordering users can make delivery notes. If unchecked, only the buyer can.
- WBS field length
Defines the maximum character validation for WBS field.
- Enable the link between P&O and Tender on internal phase
Shows a link to RFX that links a position to a grid. It's a new RFX button.
- Enable the link between P&O and Tender on external phase
Not used.
- Display Product Datasheet
Shows the data tab in product list (only for old app).
- Invoice address in Basket details is mandatory
Invoice address field in basket details is mandatory.
- XML Template
Any order can be exported to an XML file, based on a template.
- EDI Server URL
The XML is sent to this server.
- Login
User login to that server.
- Password
Password of that user.
- Users can use all accounting
All users have access to all accounting types.
- Use approval rule order by
Order by steps, is used when several workflow are supposed to be triggered.
- Purchaser approves in last step
If this and order by are checked, the buyer is auto-set as an approver on last step.
- MG is mandatory for last approver
Last approver must set a value for MG, otherwise gets an error on position.
- MG is editable for last approver
Only last approver can edit MG.
- Approver in Shopping cart details is mandatory
Mandatory field if checked.
- The order will be automatically sent via HTTP
The order export is automatically sent to the supplier server via HTTP, if not checked, it is sent via email.
- Only Role Approver can edit the Purchase order in Approval
Only users with approver role can edit the PO in approval.
- Open basket start tab
For old app-sets, it is the tab you choose as start tab in basket.
- Perform Additional Validation by Insert PR
Three additional validations:
1. Checks if the product takes part of an expired CAT
2. Checks if there is at least one product in basket which is not valid
3. Checks if another PR with this product exists
- Create delivery address
If checked, a button, to create a new delivery address, appears on basket details level.
- Invoice max deviation
The sum in % that can be raised from the specified invoice price.
- Name of new Shopping cart is empty
The name set for the new Shopping cart is null.
- Allow recalculation of approval workflow
If this is set, a new button appears in the positions list, and if an approver modifies something on a position and uses this button, it triggers the workflow again from first step 1.
- Purchaser can cancel Orders
Purchaser can see the cancel button on orders, but if the user has only ordering purchaser role, he/she cannot cancel the order.
- Print or mail the order in last approval step
In the last approval step, a list of documents appears that can be printed or sent via email, and if not sent, the email is sent to the supplier.
- Show order preview in order and approval menu
On order line, there is a button that generates an order preview.
- Show final order after last approval step if "print order" is checked
Final order button appears on the order list and opens the generated PDF.
- Purchaser can approve
Purchaser can approve, even if he/she is not in the approval user.
- Allow automatic Catalogue versioning
After updating a catalogue in ST6 and releasing it, the old version is replaced by the new version.
- Enable auto-complete feature
Searches items with auto-completion feature in product list.
- Manual approval process
All new PR remains in status new. A button appears on order list to start the approval process.
- Allow use of manual approver addition
An approver can add another approver to the workflow.
- Automatic document buyer access
When a document is uploaded, it has automatically set the buyer access checkbox and buyers can see the documents.
- Allow approver to replace products
Approver can replace a free request position with a catalogue product.
- Single currency PRs
Checks that all positions in PR have the same currency, and if not, it sends an error.
- Manually recalculation workflow for roles
User can recalculate the workflow only for certain selected roles.
- Use new regulation PR
New button appears which can create a new regulation PR.
- Hide "Insert new free form item" button
If selected, this option removes the ability to add new items to Goods Receipt.
- Use "Double amount"
This tab will be displayed in the product catalog or in a free position, only if it is associated to a fourth level (SAP material group) that has the unit of measurement.
- Use the catalog contract as blanket contract
If checked:
1. When a new catalog product is added in the shopping basket, the contract is automatically saved on shopping basket position.
2. When a new free from product is added in the shopping basket - no contract is set
In the combobox - only the contract already set will be available.
- Quantity decimal number
Order quantity allows decimal places.
- Threshold value for workflow last approver not considered
Last approver is considered only when the threshold is exceeded.
- Split Purchase order by Free Form
All free forms positions in basket will be split in separate PR.
- Split Purchase order By Suppliers
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by supplier.
- Split Purchase order by cost types
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by cost types.
- Split purchase order by cost center
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by cost center.
- Split purchase order by indent
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by indent.
- Split purchase order by project
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by project.
- Split by Accounting type
Creates a PR for each accounting type selected.
- Split purchase order by business unit
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by BU.
- Split by role assignment
Split the basket in multiple PR. For each position in the Supplier Database, which has one of the according MGs single PR is created (If MG approver is selected).
- Contacts can view products from all Catalogues
Contacts can view products from all catalogues ignoring authorisation objects.
- Show recipient
A layout field on basket details and position details.
- "Delivery data" is a mandatory field
Set delivery date as a mandatory field.
- Local ERP No. unique in baskets
Shows Local ERP number in basket position and validates the products that are added in basket (checks ERP number to be unique).
- Allow free accounting
Allows creation of a new accounting for the selected items.
- Use the Content Quantity validation
In a BME cat, there is a field which handles the quantity validation (ex. user can order a minimum of 5 pieces of a certain product).
- Use system email
The supplier receives the confirmation email from the "user system" not from the buyer.
- Allow editing the price for open orders
User can edit the price in position details for open orders.
- Allow editing the quantity for open orders
User can edit the quantity in position details for open orders.
- Limit editability of PR to original total
User cannot add more positions to the order if the original total is achieved.
- Allow editing order data of purchase order
User can edit the order date for an order.
- Allow Sum 0 for Shopping cart
Allows the creation of a PR with total price of the Shopping cart = 0.
- Allow editing delivery date for goods receipt booking
User can edit the delivery date for Goods receipt booking.
- Activate link SRM --> P&O
A new column named "evaluation result" appears in the product list. It evaluates the supplier that created the product.
- Use tax code instead of tax percentage
Uses a tax code in the next field instead of tax percentage.
- Default product tax
Chooses the default tax from codes defined in Backoffice tax indicator.
- Confirmation email CC
After the final approval step, the confirmation email is sent to the chosen address as CC.
- Export mail -> Pdf From Html
User can choose the fields from HTML to be exported as a PDF and to be send to the supplier.
- Display Accounting Area
A new column "Accounting area", in accounting pop-up appears.
- Change 1'st step approver
Ordering admin or the first approver can change the first approver in approval page.
- Edit rights for Ordering admin
Ordering admin has rights to edit accounting information for open orders.
- Use Documents in P&O
The documents tab appears in shopping cart and in other screens.
- Print order or send email
In basket details, user can print or email the order before sending the order.
- Print order or send email is mandatory
Makes one of the above option mandatory.
- First enter Shopping cart details and after that the positions
The first tab become the "basket details" tab.
- Use popup for Shopping cart positions selection
User can select positions to copy from basket.
- Visible status for supplier's orders
Supplier can see all his orders depending on the chosen status.
- Empty delivery date on new new basket position
The delivery date for a new basket is empty.
- Show Approval users tab in approval
Shows a new tab in approval "Approval user name", the same as in Purchase order status.
- Display of submenus in product details open
The submenus on product list details are opened by default.
- Hide SAP message in header
Hides the SAP field in header.
- Check mandatory fields on SAP export
Adds a supplementary validation of the PR before exporting it to SAP.
- Display SAP Number
This column is shown in the accounting list.
- Show "Barcode scan"
Shows the button "new barcode scan" and the tab "barcode scan" in shopping basket.
- Allow empty deliveries
User can create an empty delivery note.
- Display column "Approval username"
It shows the user name that must approve the step, in approval list.
- Allow positions in Goods Receipt to be booked to a date set in the past
If unchecked, positions in Goods Receipt can only be booked to the current date.
- Show Header tab in Orders for Open orders/Closed orders/Purchase orders and Good receipt
Header tab will be visible for the above mentioned settings.
- Supplier mandatory in Free request
It make the supplier selection in "Who from" phase of Free request, mandatory.
- Calculate delivery target date
Automatically calculates the delivery target date.
- Cancel PR roles
The roles, which are selected in these forms, can cancel a Purchase request from the list.
- List of roles for last approver not considered workflow
Last approver will not be put in the approval list in the moment, when the approvers are calculated for a Purchase Request.
- Split order by Delivery Address
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by delivery Address.
- Split order by currency
All positions of the Order will be split in separate PR by currency.
Show settings[edit]
- Select MG level(s) to be shown In Ordering settings
Shows only the MG's of the chosen level.
- Select MG level(s) to be selected in Ordering settings
User can select only the MG's from the chosen level.
- Supplier companies to be invited in the project are restricted by BU assignment
Any BU -> All suppliers are shown
Main BU of the user -> only suppliers set to that BU are shown
Any BU of the user -> see suppliers that have at least one of your BU's
- Select OU level(S) to be shown in Ordering settings
Shows only the OU's of the chosen level.
- Select OU level(s) to be selected in Ordering settings
User can select only the OU's from the chosen level. According to the selected option, the trees are shown in MG menu.
BU Tree settings (module)[edit]
- Show all BU's with specific MG trees
If unchecked, only assigned BU's will be shown to users.
- Following trees are shown in MG menu
According to the selected option, the trees are shown in MG menu.