SynerSpace SSP

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SynerSpace (SSP) is the new home screen (start page) of the application that allows you to get to the most important information on the platform in 1 click, to follow-up your activity at one glance and to navigate in a much more user-friendly way.

SynerSpace Elements[edit]

The main elements (from left to the right) of SynerSpace are describe below:

Search Functionality[edit]

A search field has been inserted on top of SynerSpace and it allows you to search in the accessible platform content. The results are sorted in categories so that you can find faster the result needed; the serach is done only in the columns available in these result categories.

Search logic[edit]

For the search entry you can use common operators like AND, OR which you know from Internet.

Let’s say we have the User search category and for the column Username we have the following entries:

  • “John Doe”
  • “John Oliver”
  • “John Legend”
  • “Jamie Oliver”

We can use 3 operators in SSP search to receive a better result:

  1. AND: Get all users with name containing John and Oliver –> keyword “John AND Oliver” - > result 2.
  2. OR: Get all users with the name John or Jamie - > keyword “John OR Jamie” -> result 1, 2, 3 and 4
  3. AND NOT: Get all users with name John, but not containing Doe-> keyword “John AND NOT Doe” - > result 2 and 3

The system searches both names in the same field/column! This search can be extended using wildcard, ex: “John AND Oli*” : search for all users contain John and any word starting with Oli

Search bar stays always accessible on the screen and a search can be easily undone.

Search categories[edit]

The results after you have executed your search are displayed in categories:

  • Apps
  • Contacts
  • Suppliers
  • Tenders
  • Auctions,
  • Contracts
  • Events
  • Measures
  • Orders
  • Products
  • Documents: in this category you will find all documents that were uploaded by you no metter in which app
  • Tasks (starting Accelerate Core V2): in this category you will find the tasks linked to milestones used in tender projects

Section "Waiting for your action"[edit]

All tasks and approvals that are assigned to you are grouped in this one widget. Colors alert you about the deadline of the activities (on time, due, delayed). You can approve/reject approvals directly from this list.

The following approvals are visible in WFYA:

  • Tender Setup approval (no matter if manual or automatic approval workflow was used)
  • Tender Awarding approval - for the old Awarding only the awarding at structure level is treated; new Awarding is supported (no matter if manual or automatic approval workflow was used)
  • Tender - TE approval
  • Tender - Confirmation for internal phases
  • Tender Confirmation approval (Vimpelcom)
  • Contract Legal approval (signature)
  • Contract Commercial approval (normal contract approval)
  • PR Approval
  • Catalog approval - old and new
  • Self Registration approval
  • Certificate approval
  • Tasks
  • Company Self Registration - PHASE IN
  • Self Registration - PHASE IN - potential supplier
  • Company Self Registration - onboarding supplier
  • Company Self Registration - onboarding light supplier
  • Company Self Registration - onboarding existing supplier
  • Company update profile: company status = submitted
  • Company update profile: company status = potential
  • Purchasing performance

Multi-media content & eLearning[edit]

A video player is integrated in SynerSpace, so that training and information material can be easily shared in a video format. Intro mode is proposed in order to guide you in his first steps on SynerSpace. You can play the video, pause it, stop it, enlarge it, minimize it and you can also mark it as “Don’t show me again” – in this case the video is not shown anymore.

Social SRM[edit]

A dedicated section displays all users that are currently online on the platform. You can click on the picture of the active user that you want to contact and you will open his/her contact information.


In the help section you will find a link to SynerWiki where you can search with key words amongst all existing articles.

Working area = Activity follow-up in cards[edit]

Several cards (diagrams, charts) allow accessing pre-selections of data in one click. The cards contain your most important activity and can be maximized, minimized or hidden. Cards contain a quick configuration so that the content could be adjusted by you (e.g. show all data, my data, specific data..).


Configuration possibilities[edit]

There are no Backoffice pages in order to set the cards on a client's platform. All cards are available by default in SSP and the user sees them if he has the same application roles as the one's assigned to the cards. A To-Do Jira ticket to the Development Team must be done if the client requires to remove/make visible a card or if the order of the cards must be changed.

SSP Cards for Internal contacts[edit]

In this article you can find information about the cards implemented on the supplier and buyer SynerSpace. Each card has an unique ID that you should give to IT when creating a defect in JIRA.

Accelerate Core V1[edit]
Next tenders[edit]

This card shows you the tender projects that are requiring a setup action: these are tenders that you have started but for which you have not finished the setup. The card helps you to find your own tenders where you have to work next. It represents an action list that shows the next tenders where you have to continue your work. A button “Show full list” displays more elements corresponding to the card content. The data filter conditions for this card are the following:

  • created by you (logical role Leader, Leader substitute or Assistant)/ in your area of responsibility
  • Tender status = Planning, In setup, Ready

Navigation: When clicking a record in the card, you go to the tab “Schedule” of the wizard “Setup”.

Condition to see the card: any application Tender role assigned to the user's profile.

Active contracts[edit]

With this card you can see in advance all contracts with expiration date in approx. 60 days or less OR cancellation deadline in approx. 60 days or less (for evergreen contracts) in order to check if the contracts should be renegotiated or not. It is displayed as Gantt chart (calendar with weeks and months) with possibility to go in the future and in the past (arrows to the left and to the right for the navigation). The card shows up to 10 contracts with expiration date OR cancellation date closest to today. The data filter conditions for this card are the following:

  • created by you / in your area of responsibility
  • contract status = active

Navigation: When clicking a contract you go to the first tab from wizard “Contract overview”.

Condition to see the card: any application CM role assigned to the user's profile.

Contracts by template[edit]

Within this card you can see statistics about number of active contracts created by contract template by time period (12 months, 4 quarters, 5 years) and their status. The card represents a bar chart and shows up to 10 most used contract templates with status indication as bars. The data filter conditions for this card are the following:

  • created by you / in your area of responsibility
  • contract status = Published, Awaiting contract cancellation, Active, Signed

Navigation: When clicking a bar, the contract list will open pre-filtered by the contracts created for the chosen period of time from the defined contract template and the status chosen (if a bar displays 8 records then after clicking on the bar the contract list with the 8 records will open). Condition to see the card: any application CM role assigned to the user's profile.

Things going on[edit]

In this card you will find notifications about some transaction events ordered by time (from most recent to the oldest). The information displayed in this card comes from the following apps:

  • Auction
    • Warm-up has started: shows auctions that are still in status pre-bidding and appears for users from Buyer team
    • In bidding since: shows auctions that changed today to status Bidding and that still have this status and appears for users from Buyer team
    • In extension, runs until: shows auctions that changed today their end date and are ending today (auctions in status offline are not shown) and appears for users from Buyer team
  • Catalogues
    • Order confirmation of Purchase Order missing for 3 weeks
    • Catalogues of supplier with expired articles since: the information is grouped by supplier, product MG and date, for catalogues in status Released.
  • Certificates
    • Products with certificates that will expire soon (30 days): the information is grouped by product MG and client certificate code and it is shown for users that have this MG; products without MG are not taken into consideration.
    • Products with expired certificates: the information is grouped by product MG and client certificate code and it is shown for users that have this MG; products without MG are not taken into consideration.
    • Suppliers with expired certificates: the information is grouped by suppliers default MG and client certificate code and it is shown for users that have this MG; suppliers without default MG are not taken into consideration.
  • Contracts
    • Negotiation started: it shows records for contracts that are still in status In exchange and it appears for buyers from contract team.
    • Extension trigger period running unti: shows records regarding contracts that are in status Published and their reminder cancellation is getting close (less than a month); it appears for buyers from contract team.
  • Product Database: shows number of new active articles grouped by supplier, MG and date
  • Purchasing Controlling: shows records for project that are still in status Online and started with less than 2 suppliers; it appears for buyers from Buyer team.
  • Supplier Portfolio Strategy: shows rating changes for users that have the same MG as the one from rating when only MG is used; also the combinations MG+BU, MG+GZ and MG+BU+GZ can be used
  • Tender
    • RFI started: shown for RFX projects where a first structure was published from an internal phase and it is still in status Online; it appears for buyers for which it was published
    • RFI extended: shown for first structure that was extended from an internal phase and it is still in status Extended; it appears for buyers for which it was extended
    • Analysis started on: shows records based on end date of the first structure from the project that changed to status Analysis; it appears for buyers from buyer team that have access to this structure; it doesn't show records regarding cancelled project.

Condition to see the card: application role "Portal buyer" assigned to the user's profile.

Approval request[edit]

This card is used to see in one glance the Purchase requests of the user or in his area which are in status “Awaiting approval” in order to know if an approver should be reminded about his action. The data filter conditions for this card are the following:

  • created by me / in my area of responsibility
  • PR status = Awaiting approval

Navigation: When clicking a PR, it will open on the positions details. There is a possibility to send email to the approver: click on the name of the approver in the card opens the Email default application of the user’s PC (typically MS Outlook).

Condition to see the card: application role "Ordering purchaser" assigned to the user's profile.

Open orders[edit]

This card is used to see in one glance the open orders created by the user or in his area of responsibility (MG). The data filter conditions for this card are the following:

  • created by me / in my area of responsibility
  • order status = New, Order sent, Partly delivered

Navigation: When clicking an order in the card, it opens the order header.

Condition to see the card: application role "Ordering purchaser" assigned to the user's profile.

Accelerate Core V1.2[edit]
Suppliers assessments restricted on the last year[edit]

The card represents a list with suppliers which have been evaluated in the last year and which have as "evaluation result" - "restricted". This status always relates to a MG/GZ assignment. The conditions how the restricted status is reached are defined in Backoffice "Rating formula" tab. Navigation: By click on a supplier record a phase-out process is started and the user is re-directed to the phase-out pages for the secled supplier.

Condition to see the card: any application Supplier Assessment role assigned to the user's profile. The content of the card is available when evaluation events was done the previous year.

Suppliers assessments restricted on the last three years[edit]

The card represents a list for the suppliers whose evaluation status had been "restricted" in the last 3 years. Navigation: By click on a supplier record a phase-out process is started and the user is re-directed to the phase-out pages for the secled supplier.

Condition to see the card: any application Supplier Assessment role assigned to the user's profile. The content of the card is available when evaluation events was done the previous 3 years.

Customer links[edit]

This implementation allows the display of customer specific links. It is displayed in the footer of the screen left of the branding area and opens like a user dialogue layer in front of SSP. The main design is re-usable for all customers, but you need to open a CR ticket for customer specific content. Reason is that it requires some development settings, though it can be done on the existing version (after V1.2).


  • Show contact links(customer specific implementation) - A click on the link will open Outlook / New email with a specific addressee. Also two other links exist: one to FAQ and the other one to a newsletter. If the user clicks on one of these links, he is sent to a page of the client's website.
Accelerate Core V2[edit]
Changes in Contract cards[edit]

For the two cards “Active contracts (with end date approx. in 60 days)” and “Contracts by template” a new option is available in the Quick Configuration. The user can filter his Favourite contracts. The cards default filter criteria remains "Show my data" but the user can restrict the list to his favourite contracts.

Next auctions[edit]

This card shows in ascending order the auctions in status Bidding or for which the start data is in the future. The card displayed the first 5 auctions and the user cans the possibility to see the full list in the app Auctions by click on “View full list”.

Condition to see the card: any application Auction role assigned to the user's profile.

Events overview[edit]

This card contains events (as defines by user's rights) with status Online, Extended or In Setup. It represents a bar chart et the user can filter by MG / BU / GZ and time (Month, Quarter, Year). The click on Show all opens the Assessment events page filtered according the view rights of the user.

Condition to see the card: any application Supplier Assessment role assigned to the user's profile.

Supplier Monitoring[edit]

This card was created for legal requirements. Companies have a responsibility to keep all their supplier information up to date and constantly renewed. In order to better manage such a situation typically companies name a "Supplier Responsible" or "Supplier Panel Responsible". His task is it to be informed which suppliers are missing information or are in delay for updating their information. To monitor this easily suppliers are shown which have been requested to update their information. This card is focused on continuous supplier monitoring and shows the last system generated requests for information update. Navigation: If you click on one line you open this supplier in the supplier database.

Condition to see the card: any application Supplier Assessment role assigned to the user's profile.


This card shows pages from any Tender/Auction that were defined as "Favourites" by the user himself or the project leader. Tender projects marked as Favourites are also displayed in this card and a filter in the Quick Configuration can display only these favourite tenders. Any click will open the corresponding tender using the short-cut. This card created in order to replace the portlet "Favourite List Buyers" created previously. Any client can use the card if short-cuts to favourite data in Tender/Auction are used.

Condition to see the card: any application Auction or Tender role assigned to the user's profile.

Expiring supplier certificates[edit]

The card "Expired and valid certificates" represents a list with expired or expiring (in 60 days) certificates. By default the user sees the top certificates ordered by expiration date descending. On the Quick Configuration the user can filter the certificates by his BU, MG or GZ (if he clicks on My BU he sees the expired certificates that have assigned a BU that is also assigned to the user ; the same for MG, GZ ). This card can be used by other clients if they use Product database with tab "Certificates" linked to the suppliers.

Condition to see the card: any application Product Database role assigned to the user's profile.

Hard coded cards not usable by other customers[edit]

Three cards with client specific images were hard-coded:

  • Support - CARD020
  • Best practice - CARD020
  • Picture Media card - CARD020
  • My approvals - CARD029
Accelerate Core V3[edit]

Starting Core V3 if the cards were minimized by the user, these changes will be saved even after session expiration so that the user will find them also after next login on the platform.

Editable card[edit]

A card with HTML Editor is available for the clients in order to create a customized content. The card is editable only by a Customer Administratir role. The HTML editor contains only basic controls and allows the upload of images and selection of uploaded images. Visibility of the card: application role "Portal buyer" assigned to the user's profile The Editable card is used in order to present the key users - 2 different images are uploaded and when the users that have as default langauge Russian are connected to tha platform they see the card with the first image and the users that have a language differnt as the Russian see the same card with the second image.

My contracts in Exchange[edit]

This card shows the contracts in status “Exchange” and for which the logged user is invited in the Exchange phase.

Quick configuration available for this card: Show all, Waiting for review, In progress or Reviewed -> by default “Show all” is selected, but the user can select only the contracts in which he participates in the Exchange phase and where his status is “In progress” or “Waiting for review” or “Reviewed”. Click on the record opens the selected contract in the phase Exchange.

Visibility of the content of the card: in the cards are displayed only contracts in which the user is invited in the Exchange phase (checkbox ticked for the column “Exchange” in the tab “Contract team”) + contracts are currently in the status “Exchange”

Vidibility of the card: any application Contract role assigned to the user's profile

Merging of the two cards "Supplier assessments restricted" in one[edit]

Starting Core V3 there is only one card "Supplier assessment restricted". Inside this card there is a Quick Configuration option that gives the user the possiility to display the date for the last year or for the last three years.

Accelerate Core V3.2[edit]
Quick access to tender templates[edit]

A client specific card was implemented for KONE - the user will see short-cuts to different types of tenders and assessments if a filter was set in the tender list with a criteria = project template. A click on a short-cut tranfer the user to a re-filtered list in Tender or SRM app. Vicibility of the card: any application Tender (RFX) role assigned to the user's profile

Suppliers Updated Information[edit]

This card shows the most recent updated suppliers from the last 6 months. It contains the ID + name of the supplier and the last updated date. When you click on an item, it takes you to the supplier page.

Visibility of the card: any application SDB role assigned to the user's profile.

SSP Cards for Suppliers[edit]

Accelerate Core V1.2[edit]
Tender requiring an action[edit]

When a supplier is invited to a tender project (Tender status = Online or Extended), he will see a card corresponding to this tender in his SSP. Inside the card the following information is displayed:

  • Tender ID, Tender name, deadline and remaining days for your answer, the name of the Project Leader and his/her contact details
  • all actions / link that belong to this tender project: direct click saves time in navigation
    • NDA
    • General conditions
    • Contract conditions
    • Download documents
    • Forum
    • One link for each Tender element (it is possible to display min. 7 tender element links if all other links exist and max. 12 tender element links if none of the other links exist; in the case that more tender elements exist you will find the link “Show all tender elements”)

A tender card disappears from the supplier SSP if the tender status changes to Analysis, Awarding in progress, Awarded or Closed.

Auction requiring an action[edit]

When a supplier is invited to an auction (Auction status = Online, Pre-Bidding, Bidding, Pre-bidding closed), he will see a card corresponding to this auction in his SSP. Inside the card the following information is displayed:

  • Auction ID, Auction name, Start date and time if the Auction has not started yet, End date and time if the Auction has already started, Remaining hours, the name of the Project Leader and his/her contact details
  • all actions / link that belong to this auction project
    • Auction data (tab in General data)
    • Auction positions (tab in General data)
    • Awarding rules (tab in General data)
    • Download documents
    • Bidbox

An auction card in the supplier SynerSpace is NOT YET shown if the auction status is Setup. An auction card in the supplier SynerSpace is NOT ANYMORE shown if the auction status is Bidding closed, Awarding in progress or Awarded OR if the supplier has been dismissed as participating supplier.

Contract requiring an action[edit]

When a supplier is invited to a contract, he will see a card corresponding to this auction in his SSP. Inside the card the following information is displayed:

  • Contract ID, Contract name, Start date and, End date and, Remaining days until contract start, the name of the Contract Responsible and his/her contact details
  • all actions / link that belong to this contract
    • Contract overview
    • Download documents
    • Exchange
    • Approval
    • Signature
Video card[edit]

On the Working area of the supplier screen he may find additional video provided by the purchasing organisation (e.g. explanations about processes in relation the ACCELERATE, general Welcome message, etc). This part is not available if there is no video loaded by the purchasing company. The supplier can play the video, pause it, stop it, enlarge it, minimize it and he can also mark it as “Don’t show me again” – in this case the video is not shown anymore.

Condition to see the card: physical role "Portal supplier" assigned to the supplier's profile and at least one mp4 video is uploaded.

Accelerate Core V2[edit]
Expiring supplier certificates[edit]

The card shows to the supplier his own certificates that are expired or will expire soon (today's date + 60).

Condition to see the card: supplier has permissions to see certificates list in Product database.


The card shows the projects (tenders and/or auctions) that a supplier has marked as Favourites. Visibility of the card: any application Auction or Tender (RFX) role assigned to the user's profile

Accelerate Core V3.2[edit]

There is a small change on the dynamic tender card - on the card the user will also see an indication of the name of the tender template used for this tender.


This card is visible for a supplier if he is invited to particpate in a measure.

Card Structure:

  • Title: Measure name, externalID, Start/end date
  • Subtitle: Measure manager, phone, e-mail
  • Template type indicator (corner icon)
  • List of latest 3 updated activities, each having:
  • Name, NO status, last change, colored status
  • Tooltip: "Most recent activities"
  • NO Documents link
  • NO Showing elements link
  • NO link to tender


The timeline displays in a chronological order the activity on the platform that is relevant for the user. In this way the user can see at one glance the application activity in the last days and open directly the element that is of interest.

Right part of SSP[edit]

Cards filtering[edit]

You can filter the timeline by selecting any link and the timeline will be reduced to the cards belonging to the filter which you apply (tender, contrat, etc.).

Hidden cards[edit]

If you decide to removea card from the working area it will appear as hidden card on the right part of SSP. You can always restore the card from the section "Hidden cards" to the working area.

Direct link to access apps[edit]

You can set his most important apps to be accessed in one click. Drag & drop functionality allows you to place the app shortcuts in the preferred order.