Goods Receipt User

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Procurement & Ordering – Order status[edit]

With the assigned role of goods receipt user, you have access to the module Procurement and Ordering. To access this module, click on the appropriate icon in the menu bar.

The Procurement & Ordering menu will open in a new window:

  1. You are now on the main page of the module.
  2. The main options are shown above the arrow.
  3. On the left menu you can get to any sub-menus. Use the buttons << and >> to hide or show the menu.
  4. Click on Orders- Order search. A list of purchasing documents is shown.

Displaying documents[edit]

The list shows the following purchasing documents:

  • Purchase requests (PR)
  • Orders (ORD)
  • Goods receipts (DEL)
  • Returns (RD)

Various documents are displayed together on the tab All receipts. The other tabs displays the documents already pre-filtered according to the document types. The documents are sorted by date (recent first) and this sort can be adjusted as needed by clicking the title of the column you want to sort.

For each document the number, the creator, the title, the date, the position, the type and the status are shown. Status may have the following values:

  • Purchase requests: Awaiting approval, Rejected, Ordered
  • Open orders: New, order sent, partly supplied
  • Closed orders: Complete Delivered, Cancelled a.o
  • Delivery notes: New, Delivered, Returned, New return delivery a.o.

Regarding the filter search for order transactions, searching for individual items is not supported.

If you wish to see the details of a document you can access the list by clicking on the corresponding icon or on the header or the line item details, as you can see below.

Choose an order for the goods receipt[edit]

A goods receipt can be booked exclusively for an open order. To post a goods receipt, click on the Open orders tab to open the purchase orders and then click on the New delivery note icon.

Canceling orders (alternative)[edit]

Orders can be canceled as long as the goods receipt is unused or partially booked. If the goods receipt is booked, it cannot be canceled anymore. When you cancel an order, all the open positions are reversed.

To cancel an order click in the Open orders tab. When confirming the cancellation, an automatic e-mail will be sent to the supplier.

Completing the delivery[edit]

After clicking the New delivery note icon, a name and an external document number must be specified.

If these entries will be confirmed, a new delivery note will be created and shown in the Delivery notes. The goods receipt can now be booked. Click on Edit delivery note . The delivery note can now be processed and the goods receipt can be posted.

When completing the delivery, please note the following points:

  • Fill out each position of the delivered ordered quantity
  • If the delivery amount is equal to the ordering quantity, then the Completed field must be ticked. Only then a delivery can be completed.
  • If you click on Complete Delivery Booking, all positions in the goods receipt will be posted. In this case, it is not necessary to describe the items separately as finished.
  • For any reasons or causes you can use the Quantity comment field.
  • Click Save to save your delivery note. The status will be set to New.

Additional positions for the delivery note (optional)[edit]

Upon the delivery note, it may be necessary to book additional positions, for example: due to freight costs.

To do this, click Insert free form line item and take it all the correct information, price and quantity are mandatory fields. The booking of an additional position is only possible together with the booking of the goods receipt, a subsequent record is not possible.

Return delivery (optional)[edit]

This option is used when a return delivery needs to be registered on an already booked receipt. For this, click on the New return delivery icon. The New return delivery page opens. You must enter the returned amount and select a reason for your delivery return.

Choices are:

  • Damaged
  • Delivered too late
  • Incorrect product
  • Order cancelled
  • Other
  • Quality check not passed

In addition, there is the possibility to write a comment. After completing the information, do not forget to click Save .

Completing the order[edit]

The completion of an order is done automatically. There are the following scenarios:

  1. Goods receipts are posted for all the items that you ordered. Order status is “Complete Delivered
  2. The orders are canceled. The status shows “Canceled” when the entire orders were canceled and “Cancellation Sent” for only a part of them.

The completed orders are displayed in the Closed orders tab. Headers and line items can be viewed also. Making changes to the completed orders is not possible.