Tender Emails & Reminders

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Emails & reminders[edit]

Managing email & reminder templates[edit]

From the Emails & reminders tab, project team will manage and send email templates. The templates are set in the projects by default and the mails will be sent automatically from the project to project team members and/or suppliers, depending on different triggers (e.g. set project online): This feature allows to insert existing email and reminder templates into the project (e.g. if you have deleted one by mistake, you can retrieve it here). This feature displays the history of all sent emails inside this project. You can disable/delete several mails at the same time, by using the multi-selection menu after having selected the mails. This action enables to manage the template. If you do not want to send out mails to specific user groups (assistants, leader substitutes etc.) you can deselect those roles. If you want to change the number of days before the end of the project when the reminder mail is sent, this can be achieved. These actions enable you to delete/ disable email templates. Mails will not be sent.


  • The email no. 8 called Standard: Invite new participants (suppliers & colleagues) will be automatically sent by the publication of your tender element (grid or questionnaire) to all colleagues and suppliers.Reminder: the role colleague is given to an internal person that will answer to an internal data collection.
  • The email no. 4 called Standard: Tender element extension (Supplier/ Colleague) will be automatically sent by the extension of your tender element (your grid or questionnaire) to all colleagues and suppliers.

If you invite a supplier AFTER HAVING PUBLISHED your grid or questionnaire, the supplier will not receive the automatic email called Invitation Supplier/ Colleague, because tender elements are already online.

The email has to be manually sent!

Manually write an email or send an email template[edit]

  • To manually write an email you can click on several pages on the email icon. You have the option to write emails on the Project team and Supplier circle page or from the Emails & reminders page by clicking the icon.
  • Select the recipient in the field To by using the icon(a new pop-up opens showing you the list of all project participants.
  • In case you would like to invite a contact not registered on the platform and is not invited to the project, you can send this contact a mail by using the icon (a new pop-up opens where you can manually enter name and email address.
  • Write your email manually or choose one of the configured email templates. You can attach any documents.
  • Click to send the email.

To send an email to multiple contacts please ensure that all contacts are in the To field; this will ensure the mapping of the variables (e.g. recipientName) for individual users. The recipient will not see the other recipients, only his contact name.

Communication tab[edit]

The Communication tab is used to have a direct exchange between project team and suppliers. Manual emails can also be sent via the tab. By clicking the New Email icon a pop-up window will appear. You will be able to compose the email you wish to send here. It can be set so that it will be sent on a specific time and date, templates can be inserted as well as attaching documents. By clicking the open icon you can add colleagues or suppliers to the sender list, Cc or Bcc. You have the option of adding certain elements to the subject. In this case when the email is sent the subject will contain the end date of the project. After you have finished composing your email click the send icon at the bottom of the screen. If you have selected the Send on Specific Date and Time the email will be sent only at that date.