Transaction data for SRM activity

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In the Transaction Data menu, the user has access to an extra menu called “RFX Projects”:

SRM Event List[edit]

Through back-office, as SRM administrator, you will have access to all events even if you have not been directly invited. The submenu “SRM Events” in the Transaction Data menu displays all existing events. By clicking the corresponding icon you will be able to open the event.

SRM Evaluations List[edit]

In order to access the evaluations via backoffice, click ‘SRM evaluations’ submenu in the Transaction Data - SRM:

  • Click ‘Evaluate’ icon in order to open an evaluation and gain direct access. You have the possibility to overwrite the answers of the evaluators.
  • By clicking ‘View evaluation’ icon you can view the answers for every evaluation.
  • The icon ‘View questionnaire’ will allow you to preview every questionnaire.

SRM Questionnaire[edit]

In the submenu “SRM Questionnaires” you will be able to create and manage SRM Questionnaires

Questionnaire tab[edit]

Under the chevron “Questionnaires” you will find the list of available questionnaires and their attributes. To create a questionnaire, please follow the following steps:

  • Click the New to create a new SRM questionnaire
  • Enter a SRM questionnaire name
  • Type:
    • Select ‘Information’ - to only display information
    • Select ‘Evaluation’ - questionnaire: to be completed by invited evaluators.
  • KPI Classification: Associate an overall KPI to questionnaire (KPI defined in settings)
  • With Calculation: check box if questionnaire will use calculation – i.e. to calculate automatic scoring.
  • Formula: questionnaire will use default formula (KPI tab*weight)
  • Click Save to apply changes.

Fields tab[edit]

Under the chevron “Fields” you will be able to edit the tabs, sections and questions of your questionnaire and edit the weighting rules.

Below you have the basic steps for creating new questionnaires, sections, questions, etc.

  • Click <Fields> tab to create questions in questionnaire
  • Click New to create a new questionnaire/ tab:
  • Click New within tab line to create either a section or question line
  • For the column ‘Type’s elect either question or section:
  • Enter question/section title
  • Select the type of Answer
  • Select the Answer value type (selection is dependent on answer type)
  • Check if question is mandatory
  • Check if the answer will require manual scoring (if evaluation questionnaire)
  • Check if evaluators will require a comment field (i.e., when evaluators score they will be able insert comments)
  • Enter help text per question
  • Enter the Weight factor

It is advised to follow the weighting rules per questionnaire: tabs=100, Sections within tab=100; questions within sections=100.

  • Select if line will be used in calculation formula.
  • Change default formula if different.

Translation tab[edit]

The “Translation” tab will be available only if you have chosen the Multilanguage option from Questionnaires tab.

Assignments tab[edit]

It is mandatory that the SRM questionnaire is assigned to at least one material group. In order to assign a material group to the SRM questionnaire, click New. Make your selection and click Apply.

Layout tab[edit]

In the Layout tab the user will have a preview of the questionnaire.

Overview tab[edit]

The “Overview” tab shows a summary of your questionnaire. By clicking the online icon, your questionnaire will be available for front-end users.