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===Reports and Charts===
===Reports and Charts===
'''Navigation: RFX > Select/ Open project > Analysis'''
The project leader can view charts and reports. Please see Analysis Guide for detailed information.

Latest revision as of 00:48, 6 March 2014

Scoring Process: Step-by-Step[edit]

The following workflow will summarize the actions required by the project leader to:

  • Invite and assign a scorer to a team
  • Create/publish a scoring questionnaire
  • Assign weight of scorer and each section of the questionnaire
  • How scorers will score the supplier responses
  • Creation of what-if scenarios
  • Analyze the results of the scoring.

Create a eRFx project[edit]

Please see eRFx buyer guide.

Set the scoring team[edit]

Navigation: RFX>select project>project settings>Project team

Within the Project team, define the scorers and assign a team.

The Project Leader (or one authorized member of the Project team) will choose the scorer(s) manually in three steps:

  • Step 1: Invite the scorers as members of the Project team, identify an initial role relevant to the project, the role of the scorer must be either assistant or leader substitute, otherwise they will not have access to score.
  • Step 2: Assign Project team as ‘Scorers’ by checking the scoring box.
  • Step 3: Select the „Team‟ the scorers will belong to (i.e. buyer 1: team 1, buyer 2: team 2, buyer 3: team 1… etc)


- Each scorer must be assigned to a team

- The scorers role must be either Assistant or Leader Substitute otherwise they will not have access to score.

- Scorers can be assigned even after the scoring has started

Create a questionnaire (please see eRFx buyer guide)[edit]

Navigation: RFX>select project>any module>create questionnaire

Scoring questionnaire rules[edit]

When creating a questionnaire please take into consideration the following aspects:

  • At this point the manual scoring is not set; once the questionnaire is published the user is then able to select the questions (in the scoring module) from the questionnaire to score.
  • Any automatic scoring will be set and created in the questionnaire; the automatic questions can then be selected within the scoring module.
  • Create different tabs to represent different KPI‟s. The scoring team has to be assigned to a KPI (a KPI relates to a tab of the questionnaire, in this way the KPI‟s or different tabs of the questionnaire i.e. quality, logistics, finance can be assigned to specific teams and also carry different weights).
  • Index your questions to calculate the correct weighting. Weights are automatically calculated within the scoring module and will=100; i.e.: Questionnaire=100,
  • Tabs of a questionnaire=100 (every tab will be weighed to=100% of questionnaire)
  • Every section within the tab will =100%
  • Every question within every section will =100%

Creating automatic scoring questions and scoring rules to follow[edit]

Step 1: Create a question, select multiple pre-defined answer options

Step 2: Enter your text and assign a score to each possible answer (If the “Multiple selection” is checked for the Checkboxes, the total score of multiple choices must be equal to 100.)


In order to select the way in which the scoring will be made, using the “Open questionnaire properties” select either “Questionnaire will use external scoring functionality” - option which will allow Suppliers to answer the questions which will be then scored by the Buyers or automatically by the system, or “Questionnaire will use only internal scoring functionality” – which means that the Buyer team will score the supplier internally.

To select one of the above mentioned options, click “Questionnaire properties”, check the box corresponding to the desired selection, and do not forget to save the action just took, by clicking SAVE.

Creation of Scoring Questionnaire[edit]

Navigation: RFX - Open/Select project - Scoring

The project leader will associate the scoring to the questionnaire in 3 steps:

  • Team – KPI: Assign the KPI(s) per team.
  • Structure: Select the questionnaire and questions from the questionnaire to score.
  • Weight: Assign the weight per KPI/tab.


In order for the questionnaire to appear in the structure, the Scoring questionnaire must be published.

Team – KPI: Assign KPI(s) to team[edit]

Navigation: RFP > Open/ Select project > Scoring > Team – KPI

The scoring team has to be assigned to a KPI (a KPI relates to a tab of the questionnaire, in this way the KPI’s or different tabs of the questionnaire i.e. quality, quantity, costs, logistics, pricing can be assigned to specific teams and also carry different weights, taking into account the factors you are concerned with).

  • STEP 1: Click the folder beside the team to assign the KPI(s) to the team
  • STEP 2: Select the KPI(s) per team (pop-up window)
  • STEP 3: Click on APPLY to apply the selected KPI(s)
  • STEP 4: Click on SAVE in order for your data not to be lost after you leave the section

For example:

Team 1 can be responsible for quality and pricing and carry a weight of 70%; team 2 can be responsible for logistics and pricing and carry a weight of 30%.

Structure: Selecting the questions to be scored and weighing the selected questions[edit]

The questions within the questionnaire have to be selected which will be scored. This is so only the questions to be scored appear to the scorer and not all supplier responses to all questions.

The project leader will set:

  • The project leader has the possibility to select the questions from the questionnaire to be manually scored.
  • The project leader has the possibility to modify the weight of each tab, section, sub-section and question.

STEP 1: Click on NEW to view a list of questions from the questionnaire created.

STEP 2: Select the questions to be scored

“Automatic score” questions are marked with a check; ensure these questions are checked to be scored.

PLEASE NOTE: Select all automatic scoring questions.

STEP 3: Click on APPLY in order for the selected items to be added to your list.

STEP 4: Assign KPI to tabs within the questionnaire by using the pull-down menu (you will only see the KPI’s assigned to the teams) STEP 5: Change the weight of sections, sub-sections, questions within sections, if different from default.

Every tab will be weighed to =100% of questionnaire.

Every section within the tab will =100%

Every question within every section will =100%

STEP 6: Click on APPLY.

PLEASE NOTE: The scoring must equal 100: for overall questionnaire, individual tab, section, sub-section.

Weight: Assigning the weight per team / scorer[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Open / Select project > Scoring > Weight

The project leader can set the weight of each scorer per tab/KPI. This is so if a team member carries a higher weight than another is calculated accordingly.

  • STEP 1: Project leader can change the weight of each member; by default each team member =100.
  • STEP 2: Click on SAVE.

Publish the scoring questionnaire to team[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select / Open project > Scoring

Once all the elements have been set for the scoring questionnaire and the questionnaire is ready for the scorers to score the suppliers responses, the project leader will publish the scoring questionnaire. The START SCORING link must be clicked to publish the project. Once the START SCORING link is clicked the internal team (Scorers) then have 2 weeks to respond, the 2 weeks period is set in this case by default.


By default the system will allow the scorers 2 weeks to access and completed the scoring questionnaire. If the dates need to be changed, either to make the submission date earlier or later it can be changed in the schedule. Please see screen below.

Navigation: RFX > Select / Open project > Schedule > end date Click the folder beside the Scoring phase and change the dates.

Invited internal team score the supplier responses[edit]

Navigation: RFX>select project>Scoring>Scoring

When the scoring is published, by clicking START SCORING, a new tab named “Scoring” will be activated in the “Scoring phase”; the invited internal team members (the scorers) then score the suppliers responses within this new “Scoring” tab. They will also be able to make comments regarding each of the suppliers’ answers (please see “How to Score” user guide for more information).

Project team tracking[edit]

The project team progress can be tracked by clicking the “Weight” tab. Click the “Weight” tab (the progress of the scorers is tracked by color, as in the legend which can be found at the bottom of the page).

Green > The evaluation or tab has been published

Red > The evaluation is not approved or the tab is unpublished

Extend/ Close the Scoring[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select / Open project > Scoring > Extend/ Stop scoring

The scoring phase / period can be extended as well.


The date can be adjusted as desired. Set the new end data by clicking “SHOW CALENDAR”, and then click on APPLY in order to save the new set date.

In order to be able to see the results of the scoring, the scoring phase must be stopped in order so the scores from the project team can be changed. > Click on STOP SCORING:

If the internal team have scored the supplier responses before the end date (i.e. 2 weeks) then the scoring date set can be closed by clicking <STOP SCORING>.

Scoring Analysis[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select / Open project > Scoring

The analysis can be conducted by clicking the following links:

1. Detailed Scoring View 2. Scoring Overview 3. Ranking


  • EXPORT will export the current screen to excel
  • EXPORT ALL will export all three screens to excel (Detailed Scoring View; Scoring Overview and Ranking).

Detailed Scoring View[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select / Open project > Scoring > Detailed Scoring View

Overall detailed scoring view[edit]

Detailed scoring view will allow the project leader to:

  • See the scores from the project team by supplier
  • Create “What-if-Scenarios”- weights can be changed by the project leader to create different scenarios and can be stored under multiple filters.

For example, the project leader can see the supplier average overall score then the individual score achieved from each team member by tabs / KPI’s. To see the detailed scoring per supplier the project leader can click the folder beside the supplier name.

The supplier details will show the supplier scores beside each other:

At this point the project leader can do 2 things:

  • View the suppliers’ scores by internal team member
  • Create what-if-scenarios by:

- Changing the weight of the questions

- Changing the weight of the team members  

Create “What-if-scenario” by changing the weight of the questions[edit]
  • Step 1: Click on the corresponding icon to create a new scenario, set a name and click on APPLY
  • Step 2: Change the weights
  • Step 3: Click on SAVE.
Create “What-if-scenario” by changing the weight of the team[edit]

Access the “Weight” section in order to create a “what-if-scenario”.

  • Step 1: Click on the corresponding icon to create a new scenario, set a name and click on APPLY
  • Step 2: Change the weights
  • Step 3: Click on SAVE.

Scoring Overview[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select/ Open project > Scoring > Scoring Overview

Scoring overview will show the overall results of the scoring.

The project leader will be able to see the best supplier by each team member within their respect teams then the overall score per team then the best supplier overall.

<What-if-Scenarios> created in <Detailed scoring view> can be seen by using the drop down menu.

Scoring Ranking[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select/ Open project > Scoring > Ranking

Scoring ranking will show the ranking of the suppliers based on the scoring by the individual team members. <What-if-Scenarios> created in <Detailed scoring view> can be seen here by using the drop down menu.

Reports and Charts[edit]

Navigation: RFX > Select/ Open project > Analysis

The project leader can view charts and reports. Please see Analysis Guide for detailed information.