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(Copy Evaluation Responsible / Evaluators)
(Providing Additional Documents)
Line 136: Line 136:
Please note that document(s) has / have to be activated in order for the evaluation team to be able to access the document(s). If you wish to activate the document(s), they can be activated by clicking the special icon.  
Please note that document(s) has / have to be activated in order for the evaluation team to be able to access the document(s). If you wish to activate the document(s), they can be activated by clicking the special icon.  
Another way is to select the document(s) intended to be activated and then select '''<Activate document>''' from the drop-down menu and click on '''Next'''.
Another way is to select the document(s) intended to be activated and then select '''<Activate document>''' from the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow icon.
===Publishing an evaluation event===
===Publishing an evaluation event===

Latest revision as of 01:17, 27 March 2014

Creating Evaluation Events[edit]

Create a new evaluation event[edit]

Follow the steps below to create an Evaluation Event.

1. Click on <New> to create a new event

2. Select a classification from the list:

- One-Step process: As Evaluation Manager you will assign the evaluators;

- Two-Step process: you will assign evaluation responsible who will afterwards assign the evaluators.

After you have selected the desired classification click on <Apply>.

  • Please note the classifications displayed in the list may vary depending on the platform’s settings.

Classification Selection[edit]

Typically there are 2 types of classifications: the <One-Step process> and the <Two-Step process>.

Please note: Classifications may vary on each platform; if more details are required consult your platform administrator.

One-Step Process[edit]

The initiator assigns the evaluation team (responsible and the evaluators) to the specific KPI(s). Use this classification if you now all evaluators and if you are able to assign them to all specific KPI(s).

Two-Step Process[edit]

The initiator assigns only the evaluation responsible. The evaluation responsible(s) then assigns the evaluation team to specific KPI(s). Use this classification if you don’t know who the evaluators are.

Setup Evaluation Event[edit]

Complete all mandatory fields (*) and click on <Save>:

1. Event name field: Enter evaluation title

2. Click on the yellow folder on all mandatory fields to populate data by selecting from the defined data.

- Event Manager: By default, the event creator is the event manager. You may also choose to create an event for another user.

- Business Units: Choose one or multiple Business Units to evaluate your supplier(s).

- Material Groups: Choose supplier material group

- Supplier: Choose one or multiple suppliers.

- Questionnaires: Choose one or multiple questionnaires on which evaluators will evaluate the suppliers. (In the questionnaire list, click on to have a preview).

3. Reporting period: Define the time period for which the supplier is evaluated. This is also the time frame for which the evaluation results will be shown in reports.

4. Evaluation Schedule: The start/end date can be changed. You may also decide to use an auto repeat rule or pick a date for the re-evaluation for the next evaluation round

5. Comment: You can enter a comment for the evaluation team

Assigning the Evaluation Team[edit]

Click the Evaluation team tab to assign the evaluators and/or evaluation responsible.

The assignment of evaluators to all evaluation categories (KPIs) is mandatory; otherwise the evaluation data shows incorrect results.

Please note that you can define individual evaluators per business unit, material group, evaluation questionnaire and supplier.

According to the platform settings, there can be more than one evaluator per evaluation category (KPI).

One-Step Process: Assign Evaluators[edit]

In the Evaluation team tab, click the corresponding icon per line to assign the evaluators per function / KPI’s. Each supplier (line) is being evaluated by the same business unit and is in the same material group. The suppliers are being evaluated on 2 different Functions / KPI’s (Costs and Technology and Innovation).

To assign the evaluators check the boxes in the last columns under the relevant function / KPI. Search evaluators via the free text search box.

Two-Step Process: Assign Evaluation responsible[edit]

As evaluation manager you must assign first the evaluation responsible by clicking < >. The evaluation responsible assigned will then be in charge with assigning the evaluation team.

To assign the Functional responsible check the box <Evaluation responsible>. Search the functional responsible by using the free text search box. Click <Apply> once you have made your selection.

Once the event is published, the assigned site responsible will connect to the event and assign the evaluation team per Function/KPIs.

Copy Evaluation Responsible / Evaluators[edit]

Copy and paste can be used in the case of:

1. The evaluation team is the same for several suppliers

2. The evaluation responsible is also the evaluator for all evaluation functions/KPIs.

Point 1:

If you have identical evaluation teams for several suppliers, first complete the evaluation team per line, then click on COPY to copy the initial row.

Click on PASTE in the line into which you want to paste the same evaluators. All the evaluators will be copied to that line.

You can use the drop down menu to paste the evaluators for several suppliers simultaneously. Copy the initial row, and then check all the lines you would like pasted the evaluators. Select the option <Paste tab responsible> in the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow icon .

2: Click on the corresponding icon to assign site responsible as tab responsible for all sites. This will allow you to assign the evaluation responsible as evaluator for all evaluation categories (Functions/KPIs).

To set the evaluation responsible as evaluator for all functions/KPIs simultaneously, check the lines into which you want to paste the evaluation responsible as evaluator for all functions/KPIS and select the option <Assign site responsible tab responsible for all sites> in the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow icon .

Checking Standard Notification[edit]

After having defined the Evaluation team you can check the given notification options within the wizard-step Inform / remind members.

Inform / Remind Tab[edit]

This tab shows the list of default reminders (emails) included in the event and automatically sent out in the course of the evaluation.

Changes can be made to the emails at any time by clicking the following actions:

- Change the recipients

- Delete this reminder from the event

- Deactivate this reminder temporarily if sending is not wanted at that time

- Send the email immediately to all concerned recipients

Email history and manual sending of mails (Sent emails)[edit]

The tab Sent emails shows the list of all emails sent within the event.

You can also create a manual email by clicking on NEW.

Providing Additional Documents[edit]

The <Documents> tab allows you to upload and download important documents relevant to the evaluation event. This is useful for sharing documents with evaluators i.e. to allocate further information about suppliers. To upload documents please follow the steps below:

- Click on <NEW>

- Click on <Choose File> to add the file;

- Click on <Open> to upload the document.

Please note that document(s) has / have to be activated in order for the evaluation team to be able to access the document(s). If you wish to activate the document(s), they can be activated by clicking the special icon.

Another way is to select the document(s) intended to be activated and then select <Activate document> from the drop-down menu and click on the green arrow icon.

Publishing an evaluation event[edit]

To publish the event, go to the tab <Status Overview>.

Click <Publish event> in order to make the event accessible to evaluators:

Overview of all current action options for the chosen evaluation event. Possible actions depend on the according event status:

- Publish event

- Extend event

- Close event before time

You may also start the event from any other page by clicking the icon , if available. You will receive the following message. Click <OK> if no other changes need to be made.

You will receive another message. You can decide if you want to set whole evaluation event online in one step (i.e. all the lines) or if you would like to set the evaluations online manually line by line (i.e. one business unit/site starts the evaluation earlier than another). Click OK if you want to set the whole evaluation event online, click CANCEL to start the evaluation line by line manually.

If you select CANCEL, click on Evaluation team and click on the Publish local site icon. In case you want to publish several evaluations at once, you can make use of the multi selection function (check boxes on the lines, select option from drop-down menu and click on the green arrow icon).