Validate Project Setup

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Validate project setup (internally)[edit]

Depending on the settings of the project template you have chosen, if you see only the chevron “Project setup” on the top of the page, you have to validate your project setups before creating the tender elements (see chapter 6.5.1). For this validation, it could be that an approval workflow is active (see chapter 6.5.2).

Validate project setup[edit]

When you have finished the initial set-up, click the icon <correspondent> available on each tab from the phase Project setup to progress to next project stage i.e. creation of grids/questionnaires and analysis.

Validating the project does not mean the suppliers can now enter the project. Validating a project turns the project from status “Planning” to status “In Setup” and opens access to the project team for the next stage of the project. The project can be accessed by the invited project team only in status “In Setup”.

Once the project status changes from “Planning” to “In Setup”, the project cannot be deleted anymore.'

Before publishing the project: After having validated the project setup you will see the following screen, (please note the phases available are dependent on project template selected).

Request project setup approval (optional setting)[edit]

Project leader side: If in the RFx template the option “Use setup approval workflow” is selected, then the project has to run through an approval workflow before you as a project leader can continue with the phase “In Setup”. Once you have finished the initial setup, click < >. By this time, the team member(s) that has/have been defined in the Project team page as approver(s) will receive an email informing them they have to approve the project (in the order in which they have been defined). Once you clicked on the <corresponding> icon, the project status turns to Awaiting Approval. While the project is in this status, no changes can be made on the whole phase Project setup (i.e. on tab Project details <Save> no longer exists).

Approver side:

The approver will log into the platform and enter the RFx module selecting the projects requiring approval. After checking the project set-up details, the approver turns back to the project list. In the column Actions, you will find the Open Approval Detail icon . The lights will show yellow meaning the project is in approval. Click to open the Approval page and select the option to accept or reject the project setup. A comment needs also to be entered.

Project team side:

As long as the approver(s) have not approved the project, the project leader has the possibility to check the status via the Open Approval Detail icon  :<traffic light>

After having received the approver(s) validation (the project leader will receive a mail), the project leader can continue the setup of the project.

By the time the approval is finished, the Open Approval Detail icon,<traffic light> disappears from the column Actions on the project list.

All further project phases (as defined in the RFx template) will then be visible. You can now begin to create your tender elements (grids and/or questionnaires):

Once the project is no longer in approval status, you can again make modifications on all tabs of the Project setup phase; e.g. invite another supplier.