PDB Statuses

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Product Database is the master data platform for all the products. All the products that are created, are assigned to a supplier.

This article is about the field "Status" of the Product Database.

Extract From Database[edit]

The Statuses are categorised by the ID in Head.

ID Head Title
1083 Active
1084 Inactive
1085 Expired
1160 Pending
1161 Postponed
1162 Deleted
1445 Awaiting Approval
1493 Archive
1669 In work by supplier



There are two names used in this app for Product:

  • Naming 1: The word Product is used as a general synonym for article.
  • Naming 2: The word Product is used as a synonym with Product version.


Any product that is created, is automatically set on version 0. Further modification to the product such as Awarding to a new supplier and Renegotiation will set a new product version.



Meaning: An active product has an active supplier assignment. The status indicates that the product is used with operational business processes (also those outside XLR8).

Logic: The status Active can be set manually. It can also be set to Active if the product is the result of an awarding decision.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).


Meaning: A product that is still in development or in the tender phase. It is not used for operational processes (yet) and it does not have an active supplier assignment.

Logic: The status is given when a new product (version) is created manually in the PDB.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).


Meaning: A product that has been used before (and not anymore) for operational processes like ordering... .

Logic: The status Active can be set manually. It can also be set to Active if the product is the result of an awarding decision.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).


Meaning: A product, which is paused from operational processes, e.g. since there are (temporary) issues with the assigned supplier. .

Logic: None, the status is manually set. No link to any QA related DB.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).

Created for: Metro


Meaning: An inactive product that is used for a tender but should not be further followed in the tender process.

Logic: None, it is manually set.

Version: All postponed products are in version 0.

Consequences: A postponed product cannot be added to a tender.

Created for: Metro


Meaning: A product which is moved to another tender project, since it cannot be continued in the current project.

Logic: Deleted status is a result of cancellation of a tender project.

Version: All deleted products are in version 0.

Consequences: It cannot be used for any other project.

Created for: Metro

Awaiting Approval[edit]

Meaning: A product which requires the approval (of an internal user) but has not been approved yet.

Logic: The approval takes place after the changes by the supplier. The product must meet the conditions of an active approval workflow. The acceptance will make the product Active.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).

Consequences: The internal user can see the product in this status.

Created for: OBI


Meaning: A product which should not be used anymore but archived for documentation purposes.

Logic: Archive status indicates that product was moved to an external archive system.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).

Created for: OBI

In work by supplier[edit]

Meaning: A product which is currently reworked by the supplier either in terms of specification or commercial changes.

Logic: It is created Automatically, when supplier starts editing the (new) product version.

Version: The product version can be Any (0 and higher).

Created for: OBI

Consequences: Only the supplier can work on it. The product cannot be seen by the internal user. The supplier needs to publish to make the product appear for the internal user workflow.

Configuration: Depends on several settings