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This app is a Free Request that is involved with Workflow engine and is not connected to Webshop app. After approval, requisitions are transferred into Orders app for further actions.

Version Support[edit]

Requisitions app is supported from Core 4.5.


The Requisitions app is accessible by having the roles:

  • "FREQ Requester" for the requester.
  • "FREQ Administrator" for admin and requester.
  • "FREQ Approver" for the approvers

Role for the requisitions inside Orders app is:

  • "Ordering Purchaser" for buyers and buyer lead

Role for accessing the Form Builder menu are:

  • Ordering Administrator
  • Ordering Purchaser

Requisitions Configurations[edit]

This app is based on many configurations both in G1 and G3 architecture to function. Here are the instruction to set it up:

Form Builder template[edit]

After having the app installed, user must create templates in the Backoffice with the fields that are required to be filled by the users of this app. Template for Requisitions app can be built from here:

  • Backoffice> Master Data> Free Request Form Builder

Here SynerTrade admin must create one and choose FRQ from the application drop-down and Free Request General Information page for the page selection First 5 fields inside the app and system fields (MG, BU, Cost center) are hard-coded, so only other fields must be created here. After save, this will be available for selection inside the app. User must enable the template.

Questionnaire template[edit]

After creating the first template, user must create a template inside G1 questionnaire from:

  • Backoffice> Master Data> Questionnaire Template

User must create a new template with "Requisitions template" Information sheet type. Then inside the form must create all the fields available inside Requisitions app (even the hard-coded ones). Hard-coded ones must be linked to database fields. User must enable the template.

Inside the Requisitions in Orders app, user is able to create a tender from the request. Thus another template is required for inside Tender. Information sheet type must be Rfx Project template. It is very important the for the same fields, the same component for all templates are used. For example, if field X is a radio button, it must be the same in all.

Questionnaire mapping[edit]

Mapping Form builder and Requisitions at the moment is only possible with the support of a developer. However, both questionnaires in G1 can be mapped through:

  • Backoffice> Customizing> Settings> General (app drop-down)> Questionnaire mappings

Sourcing questionnaire would be Requisitions template and Destination questionnaire Rfx Project template. The created templates must be selected here. By clicking on Manage fields mapping from the row action, user can map all the fields together.

After these both mappings, the templates are all set.

Buyer leader configuration[edit]

In order for the request to arrive on Orders app, Purchasing group responsible must be set. First user must go to:

  • Backoffice> Master data> Organisational Unit

User must create a new organisation unit type "Purchaser group" and assign a responsible for it and enable it.
Then user must go to:

  • Backoffice> Master data> Material groups

and assign this Purchaser group to any MG he/she wants to have as the leader. When this MG is enabled, and user selects it inside the project, the approved request will arrive to the Purchasing groups leader ALL FREQ page and user can make changes to it.

Orders questionnaire visibility[edit]

In Requisitions inside Orders app, user must see the approved request in view-only mode and when some requests are bundled, user must be able to edit everything. Therefore a new settings is implemented inside:

  • Backoffice> Customizing> Settings> Procurement & Ordering (app drop-down)> Ordering Settings> Requisitions>> Editable requisitions type

Here admin can set in which statuses the questionnaire must be editable and in which be view-only mode. Bundle and New must be selected.

Now everything is set!

Functional aspects[edit]

Status Management[edit]

The Requests are having five main statuses, which is also displayed in the landing page:

  • In Setup: when the request is not sent yet
  • In Approval: when request is pending approvals from approvers
  • Approved: when all approvers have approved the request
  • Rejected: when one approver has rejected the request
  • Cancelled: when request is cancelled by the requester. "In Setup" requests cannot be cancelled.

The groups don't overlap with each other.

Main Grid[edit]

Main grid comprises of 8 columns as following:

  • (no name): includes all the relevant row action buttons.
  • Requisition Name
  • Requisition ID
  • Material group
  • Cost center
  • Status
  • Version
  • Created (date)

Request Creation[edit]

By clicking on Create, if there is only one active Form Builder available a new request is opened. If there are more than one active templates, a user dialogue allows the user to choose the right template. Please have in mind that only one template is mapped to the questionnaire in Orders. Although you can select many active templates here, but the ones that are not mapped, will not be transferred into Orders app.
A request has four wizard steps "Setup information", "Documents", "Suppliers" and "Approval".
In Setup Information, following fields are hard-coded:

  • Requisition name
  • Description
  • Currency
  • Max. budget available
  • Planned Delivery Data
  • Material Groups
  • Business Units
  • Cost Center

These fields must not be created inside Form Builder template!
After clicking on Save, request ID is generate and user can go through other phases. Documents and Supplier are not mandatory to be filled. In Supplier page, requester can suggest up to 10 suppliers and they are not connected to Supplier Database.
The most important phase is the Approval which works with Workflow Engine integrations . It works with DMN and BPMN files and can be uploaded to the app by Admin from the landing page, "Settings" button. Currently, it is designed to be changes by the Max. budget available and Cost center. Meaning when Cost Center and Max budget change will impact the approvers and approval templates. After selecting a template, user is able to submit the request. All approvers must approve the request, in order for the status to change to APPROVED and then requisition to be transferred to Orders app. By submission from requester, the first approver (step 1), is notified about the approval pending. Approver can access the approval through the deep link inside the email. After entering the credentials, approver can either Approve or Reject. In both cases user can also add comments. By approving the comment will be saved to be transferred to Orders later and the next approver (if available) is notified. By rejection, the comment appears inside the email for requester and approver.

Requisitions in Orders[edit]

After full approval of the request, the requisition is transferred into Requisitions inside Orders app. There are two pages "My FREQ" and "ALL FREQ". Role Ordering Purchaser can see My FREQ page. Any user who is responsible for Purchasing Group will see All FREQ page. Requisition arrives on ALL FREQ and My FREQ of the buyer responsible, as leader can take care of all the management later if she/he wants. In ALL FREQ user has 3 row action buttons "Open", "Delegate" and "Postpone". By Open, the request is opened and user can see all the transferred data in view-mode. By Delegate user can give the responsibility of the request to another colleague for further actions. By Postpone, user sets him/herself a reminder of doing actions later. In My FREQ extra row action buttons are Create Tender and Create PO.

Create Tender[edit]

Tender can be created for requests with "Approved" and "Postponed" statuses. After selecting the template user can see that the data from request are transferred into Tender. There is a new page inside Supplier circle of Tender named "Proposed", which are the suppliers that requester has entered. User can validate them to see if they are already inside Supplier Database or not for further selection.

Create PO[edit]

PO can be created on in status "Approved". The data below are transferred into PO:

  • Request name
  • Description
  • Material group
  • Business unit
  • Cost center
  • Planned delivery date

After creating PO, the status of the request is changed to "Done".


User can bundle at least 2 request with status Approved together and create a new request. The requests that are bundled will get the status "Bundled" and the new one that is created based on the bundling gets status "New". The new request is empty and user can fill everything there based on the information of the bundled requests. Suppliers and Documents from the bundled request are transferred into this new request.