Contract Administration

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Contract administration[edit]

Contract Team[edit]

The contract team shows all involved people also approvers and signers. All these users have access to the contract.

Roles and Access Rights fall basically into 2 categories:

Physical Roles: System-embedded roles that administer the access rights for logical roles in order to take part in contract management process itself with their respective access rights. The physical roles are assigned by the administrator within the buyer data base.

Logical Roles: Roles which are partly dependent on Physical Roles – allow for different access rights within one specific contract creation process. The contract creator can assign different logical roles to members of a contract team.

Physical Roles:

  • Contract User: Can create contracts based on the defined templates, approves contracts, read contracts
  • Contract User light: Can read and approve contracts within his / her BU.
  • Contract Audit User: Can read all contracts of the system (read rights are BUs-related), no edit rights.
  • Contract Admin: Defines templates, clauses in Backoffice, can see and edit all the contracts in Backoffice (has same rights like Contract User).
  • Contract Supplier: Can read contracts, edit the tabs and clauses and approve the contract.
  • Legal expert is a specific role for the clause management. This user can edit all clauses within the contracts he is invited to (even the clause has the attribute “no edit rights for suppliers / buyers”). This user cannot create new contracts.

Logical Roles:

  • Contract creator: Creator of contract, change contract team, edit contract, approve contract, expire contract a Must have the physical role Contract User.
  • Contract responsible: Change contract team, can exchange creator, edit contract, approve contract, expire contract a Must have the physical role Contract User.
  • Contract substitute: Deputy of contract owner, change contract team, edit contract, approve contract a Must have the physical role Contract User.
  • Contract assistant: Edit contract, approve contract, cannot change the status of the contract, cannot change the contract team a Must have the physical role Contract User light or Contract User.
  • Contract guest: Can read and approve contracts a Must have the physical role Contract User light or Contract User.
  • Contract Supplier leader: Edit contract, approve contract a Must have the physical role Contract Supplier.
  • Contract Digitization Manager: part of the contract team, Can only see the tab “Documents”, can only see his own uploaded documents.

In the “Contract Administration” tab access the “Contract Team” section in order to define the participating members to your contract:

  1. Click New in order to add one or more members.
  2. Click Apply to add the selected contact to the contract team. The newly added members will be displayed in the list and you will be able to set roles for each of them, choose if the buyer receives emails,and so on:
  3. Save team as Will allow you to save and use the contract team for other contracts. Give a name to your team, check the box if you wish for the team to be available to other users as well and Apply to save your team.

You have as well the opportunity to select an already existing team, or only some of the members of one of the predefined teams.

  1. Click Insert team.
  2. Click Add entire team to add the whole team to the current contract.
  3. Click Select members in order to add only a certain member or more members of a certain team.

Do not forget to save your options before leaving the tab – click Save .

The user will be able to see as well who invited each each user to participate to that particular contract, with the help of the column “Invited by”. Its main purpose is to easily determine whether a user having a logical role in a project was automatically invited to the project.

This field displays the name of the user that added the contract user to the project. In the case of an automatically assigned user the field will display the value “System”.

Contract status[edit]

In this section you can view and modify the status of your contract. To change the contract status it is necessary to open the drop-down menu. Now you can change between the offered possibilities.

  • Click Set contract status in order to modify the contract’s status.
  • Click Save .

Note: This page can also be used if your contract has expired. If you open the drop-down menu for an expired contract, the new status will be < Rework > and then it will be possible for you to make some modification on your contract.

Contract history[edit]

The page contract history shows you all changes in the contract (all tabs and fields) per user (buyer and supplier). You can follow those changes on field level.That means it is shows every aspect which was changed, the name of the modifier, the date and the changed values (old and new value).

The “Contract History” tab offers the possibility of tracking the changes made on the current contract’s definition.

Linked contracts[edit]

To link or view the already linked contract(s) to your current contract access the “Linked contracts” section:

  • Click Open Folder icon to edit the linked contract.
  • Click Add symbol to add / edit a(the) comment.
  • Click Link contract to add / link a new contract.

Supplier circle[edit]

Via the supplier circle, the buyers are able to set-up a contract with several suppliers. One supplier will be the Contract partner and for the other suppliers the contract will be valid as well.

The Contract Partner can be selected via the drop down list of the column “Type”, if no contract partner or two or more contract partners are selected, the system will display the following error message when clicking Save:

Attention - There has to be selected one Contract Partner! Please review the role of your suppliers.

In order to add new supplier to the current contract, click Add:

To find and add the desired supplier companies to your contract, you can use the simple search or the advanced search, and / or you can set a filter in the same time.

Click Filter in order to set the criteria for your new filter, or to modify an existing filter.

Click Apply to save the selections made and exit the filter editor.

Default settings modified A warning message informing you that the default settings of the filter have been modified will be shown next to the filter’s name.

Along with the options to save the new settings as a new filter, and the option to remove the selections and return to the settings of the system’s default filter (or even to your previously saved filter).

Click Save filter in order to save the new criteria set for your filter.

If you have saved a customized filter previously you will see it displayed in the list of available previous filters or you can save the options as a new separate filter. Click to apply your modifications.

You will see all the available filters in the “Filter” section when adding new entries to the supplier circle: in this case - the default filter, and the 2 customized filters we have created.

Click Delete filter in order to delete a filter. Please note you will be able to delete only those filter created by you, and that the system’s default filter cannot be deleted.

Click Add in order to add the selected suppliers to the contract.

You will have the possibility to select the supplier’s role inside the contract and the supplier type.

Emails & Reminders[edit]

Insert new email templates for your contract by accessing the “Emails&Reminders” tab.

Check the history of the sent emails by clicking Email history .

Contract Milestones[edit]

The tab has the purpose of correctly schedule the creation and life of a contract according to its different major phases.

The user will be able to see displayed in this section all the milestones of the contract along with their start / end date, duration, roles to which that particular milestone was assigned.


The Comments section allows the user to add new comments regarding the current contract. In order to add a new comment, click New . Do not forget to save your comment. Click Save.