Evaluate Suppliers

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Evaluate Suppliers[edit]

Overview of Evaluations[edit]

After having selected SRM - Evaluations from the left hand menu, proceed as follows. The page Evaluate suppliers shows an overview of all current and previous evaluations to which you have been invited. Please take into consideration the closing date for your evaluation (Evaluation end date). You will be able to see the current status for each evaluation.

By clicking Evaluate a new window opens, bringing you to a specific questionnaire as described in the next chapter. After each evaluation check that you have completed it – check in the column “My evaluation status”.

Evaluate the supplier (Complete the questionnaire)[edit]

The following window opens automatically after having clicked the corresponding icon on one of the rows within the Evaluations menu (see chapter before).

In the following example, you are responsible to evaluate the supplier Smith and Sons for the business unit Synertrade Germany for the evaluation category (KPI) Logistics.

In case you are assigned to more evaluation categories within this event, you would see more tabs next to the Logistics tab.

Saving / Publishing the Evaluation[edit]

Once you complete an evaluation questionnaire, you can come back and edit the data until the end date of the evaluation event has been reached.

While you are completing the evaluation, do not forget to click Save at every time you leave the evaluation questionnaire. While you have finished the evaluation, you need to send the data to the event manager, so that he can view and approve the data. To send the data to the event manager, click the Publish tab icon.

Note: After having completed the evaluation it is necessary to publish it in order to be given to approval by the event manager and then – after approval – to be given to the reporting system.

You have finished the evaluation once the My evaluation status shows completed.