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- '''Internal Contract Publication and Management of Access Rights''' #Exchange / negotiation mode: details of the contract can be adjusted by the entire c24 KB (3,764 words) - 10:13, 24 February 2015
- ...: the role colleague is given to an internal person that will answer to an internal data collection. The Communication tab is used to have a direct exchange between project team and suppliers. Manual emails can also be sent via the4 KB (639 words) - 02:49, 4 April 2014
- * Tender - Confirmation for internal phases ====SSP Cards for Internal contacts====25 KB (4,108 words) - 13:45, 6 June 2016
- In case, SMS authentication is chosen, it is valid for both internal and external users. ... changed for a specific contract, if the contract is in status "Offline", "Exchange" or "Rework". Create the new workflow (e.g. with additional role and /or ch24 KB (3,865 words) - 16:12, 21 January 2019
- System. We can receive and send invoices to an ERP-system. Our internal exchange format is SAP IDOC INVOICE02, but it can be mapped to any external format w There are two general processes inside Invoicing app of SynerTrade internal system:13 KB (2,093 words) - 16:29, 21 January 2019