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- In CAT V1, Product prices can be updated : There is no way to update prices online.<br>2 KB (306 words) - 09:58, 28 April 2015
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- On CAT V1 it is not possible to update products attributes. Only product prices can be updated : see [[Product Price Update]]2 KB (270 words) - 10:01, 28 April 2015
- In CAT V1, Product prices can be updated : There is no way to update prices online.<br>2 KB (306 words) - 09:58, 28 April 2015
- .... Enhancement applications, such as the SynerTrade Inventory Management or Product Database, improve the catalogue system both functionally and with regard to [[Product update]] <br>10 KB (1,343 words) - 14:34, 29 January 2019