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- The web shop is your internal store where you find products provided by catalogue suppli Navigate to this page by clicking <b>Web shop </b> on the menu. The page initiates showing:2 KB (268 words) - 08:37, 28 April 2015
Page text matches
- The web shop is your internal store where you find products provided by catalogue suppli Navigate to this page by clicking <b>Web shop </b> on the menu. The page initiates showing:2 KB (268 words) - 08:37, 28 April 2015
- *If you add a product from the navigation links in the [[Web shop]] it will be added automatically with quantity = 1.1 KB (211 words) - 08:42, 28 April 2015
- See related Wiki articles: [[Web shop]]768 B (124 words) - 15:24, 29 September 2015
- ** Active: products are visible in the web shop (provided their validity date allows it) ** Inactive: products are NOT visible in the web shop (regardless their validity date)3 KB (411 words) - 09:47, 28 April 2015
- *new price are available in web shop (provided start date not in future) but existing PR or PO, even in early st2 KB (306 words) - 09:58, 28 April 2015
- [[Web shop]] <br> ... you to collaboratively assess the performance of your suppliers thanks to web questionnaires sent to your internal stakeholders. <br>10 KB (1,343 words) - 14:34, 29 January 2019
- ==Open an external catalogue from web shop== ...n a list with all available external catalogues under Catalogue System/Web Shop6 KB (933 words) - 16:16, 21 January 2019