Awarding overview Accelerate

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In the Awarding application, you award the business to the supplier and document the decision. The rules under which you work as a user are defined in the corresponding tender and auction projects. The awarding application itself does not impose any additional rules.

Awarding application version 1[edit]

Below are listed the businesses processes, navigation and key functionalities in version 1. Additional processes and functionalities are in planning and will be delivered with the following versions.

Supported Business Processes[edit]

Award line items to suppliers[edit]

In this business process you award individual Line item to supplier companies. Every line item can be awarded to different suppliers and at a different moment of time. Awarding the same line item to different suppliers is supported, by assigning different quantities to each supplier company. Objective is to award all line items that require an awarding decision and then close the awarding project. It is not required that all line items are awarded. If your installation uses the application Product Database Settings, the awarded line items are synchronised with the product library and then available for subsequent business processes.

Award grids or questionnaires to suppliers[edit]

In this awarding situation you award entire tender element structures to suppliers. Tender element structures relevant for awarding are typically grids, in exceptional cases questionnaires. Awarding on tender element level means awarding on a higher aggregated level. Any line items contained in the grid do not play any role for the awarding decision. Like for the award line item process, single / multiple sourcing is supported: different quantities for different grids / questionnaires can be awarded to different suppliers. Objective is to award all tender elements that require an awarding decision and then close the awarding project. It is not required that all grids / questionnaires are awarded.

Award auction positions to suppliers[edit]

When you take an awarding decision after conducting an auction, you are disconnected from the line item, grid or questionnaire logic. Every auction position represent a different aggregation which was manually setup in the auction or built from a previous tender project. Since you can award single positions to different suppliers, the aggregation level is lower than when awarding on tender element level, but nevertheless aggregated. Identical to the grid / questionnaire awarding process, the awarding for a positions is supported for single / multiple suppliers: different quantities for different auction positions can be entered. Objective is also here to award all positions that require a decision and then close the awarding project.


From tender project[edit]

In most cases, you will navigate from a tender project to awarding. If the tender project from where you click the awarding process step is using line item awarding, you will arrive in the Awarding pre-filter page. If the tender project is of type Awarding on tender element level you will not see the awarding pre-filter page, but directly the award to supplier page. You can go back to the tender project using the browser’s back button.

From auction project[edit]

Like in tender, you navigate from Auction to Awarding by clicking the awarding process step. You will directly arrive in the Award to supplier page. You can go back to the auction project using the browser’s back button.

From home menu and SynerSpace[edit]

You may use alternatively the following navigations:

  • Use the home menu, click on Awarding app or type Awarding in the home menu search field.
  • In SynerSpace, click on the Awarding icon in Favourite apps
  • In SynerSpace, type Awarding in the search, then click on the Awarding icon in the apps category.

Inside awarding application[edit]

The awarding application consists of 2 visible pages:

  • Awarding pre-filter
  • Award to suppliers

You can navigate between the 2 by using the Apply button on Awarding pre-filter and Clicking the tender element or tender name ( Breadcrumb) on Award to supplier. When you click Apply, the pre-filter settings are applied on the Award to supplier page. When you click the name, the project tree is displayed in the action area. In case of a tender project using line item awarding, the tender element is selected, showing the filters in the main content area. In all other cases, the main content area is not showing any content.