Line item

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A line item is in most cases representing a product. It is displayed as a row in a grid of a tender or awarding project.

Line Item

Creation of line items[edit]

Line items are created in the setup phase of a tender project. There are 2 ways of setup:

  • Create from scratch using the grid template’s export / import format
  • Insert from the Product Database

In both cases, every row from import or inserting action will create 1 line item in the application and in the following be treated like a distinct product.

Behaviour of line items[edit]

  • In tender projects, line items are published to suppliers as part of the grid structure. All LI in the same grid have the same start / end dates and thus the same status.
  • In awarding projects, line items can be awarded 1 by 1. See Awarding overview Accelerate for details.