Auction Awarding

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This wizard enables to award the auction to one or several suppliers and finalize the project when the project status is “Bidding closed”. Once awarded the auction cannot be edited.

1. Choose between:

- Awarding with Absolute values

- Awarding with %

2. Enter the values for which supplier.

3. Click on Save.

4. Once you are ready to finalize the project, click on Award .

  • Apply best bid rule: click this icon if you want to award the total quantity to the best bid per line item.
  • Apply total best bid rule: click this icon if you want to award the total quantity to the best bid on the total of line items (available when more than 1 line item exist on the auction structure).
  • Awarding at BU level: in case your project has more than one Business units, you can decide to award 60% of the total quantity to one BU and 40% to another BU for example.